@Lakotaubp I'll check it out thanks
RE: Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (mido)
please go to https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/xiaomi-redmi-note-4-snapdragon-roms-kernels-recoveries--other-development/rom-ubuntu-touch-redmi-note-4x-t4069381as i can't update the post due to the following error
You are only allowed to edit posts for 3600 second(s) after posting"
RE: Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (mido)
Yes, some users did express some issues when using a wrong version, Use twrp
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (mido)
This is a port of Ubuntu Touch for Xiaomi Redmi note 4X
Kernel: https://github.com/ubports-mido/android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8953
Device: https://github.com/ubports-mido/android_device_xiaomi_mido
Vendor: https://github.com/ubports-mido/proprietary_vendor_xiaomiStatus
- Bluetooth
- Calls and SMS
- Tethering
- Sound/Media
- GPS (may include bugs)
Doesn't Work
- Camera
- Flashlight
- Power save
- Any unnoticed bugs even in the things listed as working
- Many other modules
How to install
- Boot to recovery (TWRP recommended).
- Wipe the System, Cache, and Data (and format the data partition!).
- Download the ROM from here (http://www.mediafire.com/file/cgyqxk6wgy60yhz/Ubuntu-Touch-mido%2528Pre-Alpha_V1.1%2529.zip/file) and transfer it to your device.
- Flash the ROM Zipfile.
- Reboot your device.
- A password prompt may come once its started and the password is "a" , you can change the password using the terminal, typing "passwd" and change the password (as in any Linux system)
In case of issues the source repos all have issues feature enabled for reporting