@nobhobbor Thanks for your reply. I'll look into T-Mobile deal. As for the OPO, well, aside from not recognizing WiFi, it works well enough. Again, as an Android it picked up the area networks, so I don't think it's a hardware issue. Seems like some others out there have experienced the same snag, while others have a fully functioning phone. Could be a hardware / OS compatibility problem, as in some models of the phone have some peculiarity that hasn't been addressed by the UT developers. Maybe it's rare enough that it'll continue to be overlooked in updates, but I hope not.
Latest posts made by x24
RE: noobie OnePlus WiFi issue
RE: noobie OnePlus WiFi issue
I have the same phone. Bought on eBay about 2 weeks ago. Changed from Cyanogen Mod to Ubuntu Touch last week. Noodled around without SIM card for a while. Phone seemed OK, but not snappy. Immediately noticed that WiFi spots in the area (nearby apartments) failed to show on phone with Ubuntu, whereas they did with Cyanogen Mod. As well, with T-Mobile "tourist" SIM card touch screen sporadically responsive— would not consistently end a call / answer a call. With Cyanogen Mod touch was less nimble than on iPhone X, but seemed to work well enough that there was no problem, per se. Definitely an issue, now. I'm brand new to Linux, and would like to hear how others may have solved these issues. Big thanks.