@sunshine_lamp can you make a screenshot (or a short video) showing the exact moment when the issue occurs?
(To take a screenshot, press both volume up & down at the same time)
@sunshine_lamp thank you.
I don't think that's an UT issue but a problem with your Telecom operator, lagging the connection to the closest antenna.
Edit: Have you tried to compare that behaviour while using the phone-app on different locations?
If the dial program is always running in the background, there is no such problem.
The problem arises when we exit the dial program and re run the dial program.
The signal of the telecom operator is very good! -
@sunshine_lamp it could be a problem with your phone's antenna then?
I don't have this Initializing issue neither with a BQ E4.5 nor a Nexus 5
I think there is a problem with the operation procedure of the dialng program.
The dialng program should not check the signal of the telecom service provider every time. -
I have a Meizu Pro5. I am on 15.04 on this device. I do not have the issue as reported by @sunshine_lamp. So in my case at least, this is not a reproduce-able issue on 15.04
I even rebooted my device to double check. -
@arubislander Can you flash 16.04?Try it,Come on, welcome to 16.04,Say goodbye to the Old version.
I flashed my tablet to 16.04. that Will do for me for the time being. -
@arubislander Do you think 15.04 is better than 16.04?
I can confirm this problem on my turbo vivid. I always had it. As a workaround I keep the dialer app open in background all the time. It bothers me that while it is "initializing" I cannot press the green button to redial the last dialed number. The green is kind of a light green and then, after a while, it turns normal green and I can use the app.
@sunshine_lamp I think you should file an issue report, so the developers can keep an eye on this issue when building future RC or Devel images.
You can post the link to your report here, so other users can know where to go to confirm (or not) this issue.
Thank you!
@advocatux Ok I try!
@mihael You're right.
Also, during that time of "initializing", I cannot start the contacts either...
You have to see, no Apps are running in the background. So the initial start needs to make a full conversation with ofonod and RILd in order to get things going. Interestingly it happens also after hangup. But nothing will change here soon, this is a delicate piece of the phone code where no one wants to break things. So all changes must be made with great care.
@flohack When can this situation be improved?
Hi, apologies for the necro, but I wanted to report that I think what the issue might be.
I also have had this issue over the years, and its quite annoying since the phone and messaging apps are very slow, taking a few seconds before they become fully functional.
Last week, while trying to solve an unrelated bug (the one that prevented OTA updates), I accidentally wiped out my phone userdata. I reinstalled ubports to the last OTA, and it was working fast and efficiently.
However, once I put back some backups and logs from the phone, the issue appeared again. I did some detective work and the issue lies when I put back the history.sqlite file with the calls and messaging logs (in .local/share/history-service).
My file is 2.6MB. If I put it there, I get the Initializing... message for a few seconds. If I delete the file, it initializes in less than half a second, the phone is much more responsive.
So my suggestion would be to archive your history.sqlite file (if you care for your phone calls and text messages history) and then delete it if you can afford it, it will solve the issue.
Hope this helps.
@doktorcaligari THis will probably get missed on this 4 year old thread. Pleas consider starting a new thread with a title to get the attention and using this as a referance point. Thanks
@lakotaubp Can do. Where would this be more appropriate? Doesn't seem to be a model-dependent issue...