Boolean search how to
I am trying to search the support forum for Nexus 4 topics and I can't seem to avoid getting loads of Nexus 5 hits as well. I've tried the usual suspects such as "Nexus 4" and Nexus+4, but these operators both returned Nexus 4 hits and Nexus 5 hits. What is the secret please?
@dtarrant the internal search engine of the forum is rubbish. The search result could be improve (to some extent) if people used tags though.
What I do is to use an external search engine but narrowing down the search to this forum.
For example that is, go to DDG, type your query and then
@advocatux Thanks for that suggestion. I'll give it a try.
@dtarrant Your secret sauce worked for me!
@dtarrant \(^▽^)/
You also can't search when you are not logged in but you can read all topics if navigate there. ¯(°_o)/¯