What is your main points for a perfect personal phone operative system?
The reason I support the UBports project is because I believe that the current duopoly of mobile operating systems isn't helpful for anybody. I also think that Google and Apple collect way too much information on their users and aren't open enough about what this data contains and what it's used for.
In order to become a daily driver, Ubuntu Touch would need to be stable, updatable on device, use minimal battery life, and have a stopgap system in place to allow android apps to run if they're absolutely essential. Of course this android app compatibility would only be a temporary measure until the native software selection became more robust.
Perhaps linking into the Amazon app store or F-Droid might be a good plan?
However I'm not a developer so I don't fully understand the complexities of running Android apps on a mobile Linux environment. I would fully expect a lot of fiddling to be required to make an app compatible, and perhaps what would be needed is a seperate, user maintained repository of compatible android apps and installation instructions.
For me a personal phone is one where I dictate what to share and what not.
Freedom in the sense that I can choose to use no cloud, my personal one, or a more public one.Freedom to install apps I want, so for this we still need to look at anbox or the likes as app devs wont quickly develop for UBports.
And then there is battery life... Should not be worst then the default OS.
Lastly a nice and friendly GUI, but Ubuntu Touch does it best.But the real reason for me to be here aside the personal aspect is convergence. One device. My dream.
VPN support for cisco (vpnc)
UBPorts-Image support for Nexus7 2013 wifi
Stable devices & software
Fully integrated with standards like : Mail, Caldav, Webdav, Carddav etc...
Strong base software : Mail, GPS, Communication, Browser
Backup like dejadup on ubuntu desktop
LAN-sync on auto-connection to lan-target like nas selected folders on the mobile-device
And very important for protecting our health !!! - The killer feature in my opinion -> Timer for ubuntu touch flight mode (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/1655854) i ask also on launchpad
Thank for the good job on OpenStore, Telegram, LoquiIM, UNav and all the other things around UbuntuTouch. I believe in you ... please keep UbuntuTouch alive.
I want just to have the ability to migrate running applications from desktop to phone and vice versa.
Obviously in order to do that, as a start you need to have the same OS/apps in both systems (see convergence).
Also an important issue for me with today's phones is that applications come from different vendors and there are no common frameworks for interoperability, especially related to context information each application can handle. For example I would love to have a phone that based on my current status (ie on a meeting), which can be inferred by the calendar application's context, automatically switches to silent mode, or if it automatically switches to vibration mode if you are in a noisy environment, or if during the night turns to silent mode (based on the lights level and location) and allows only calls from people in your contact list to wake you up, etc.
Hope yuniy will get there
to have anbox working for those that want Ubuntu,but need android for certain apps,for banks,and stuff like that.
I want to work as in Desktop, no OTA updates, sudo apt update for do this, or a GUI like Software&Updates for the people don't want to use the terminal emulator, freedom to do everything on the system basically without stupid limitations.
I agree with all your points.
I need a smartphone that is also a smart-assistant for my works and that keep (or try to keep) google or any other patriotact approved company away from my data.
Also a Phone that is easily hackable is a must to make my phone cover my needs and this is connected to another point in my wishlist: the phone should be useful for the open communities and the onlus. eg: On the "market" I should be able to directly donate money, see/contribute to the sourcecode and directly login and communicate with the community behind the develop of the apps or see their news/blog post. the smartphone should give an independent and easily way to keep communities in contact, share information/allert with their affiliates and interact with them. so, long story short, what really mater is an opensource SO, based on opensource services, with an easy and powerful sdk -
Voici se que j'attend de mon Meizu pro 5 sous UBport dans le future :
Utiliser les applications Fenêtré comme en Scène ;
Tox "uTox, qTox..." (alternative à Skype) -
Un gestionnaire de téléchargement "comme IDM" Open Source.
Un Gestionnaire de protocol SIP.
PS: Comment se procurer votre appareil de convergence USB/HDMI ?
(si commercialiser) ou ( les plans.)ENGLISH
Here is what I expect from my Meizu pro 5 under UBport in the future: :
Use Windowed and Scene Applications ;
Tox "uTox, qTox..." (alternative Skype) -
A download manager "like IDM" Open Source.
A SIP protocol manager.
PS: *How do I get your converged USB/HDMI device
(If commercializing) or (the plans.) -
More and more people die on CANCER!!! - 8% per year in saxony/germany since 2012 and growing
Please develop a timer for ubuntu-touch flight-mode to reduce microwave-ray for example at night when the phone lie near the body and is used as alarm clock.
Microwave ray like bluetooth, wlan, lte, umts, gsm, ... becomes under suspicion to increase cancer.
By the way we would have a great feature to have an simple option for automatic turn on and off the mobile radio modules for digital freedom at evening.
A Timer for ubuntu touch flight mode could be the solution for our health and digital freedom.
Aditional it is an option to safe power in a unused time of the phone.
Is see the campaign:
Ubuntu Touch is healthy! - for your privacy and body - NO tracing and REDUCED microwave-ray
Dear UBPorts-Team and Community ... thanks for protecting our health and making UbuntuTouch healthy.
Best Regards
Marco Bludszus
(Germany / Saxony / Chemnitz) -
Additional for browser-privancy:
FireGloves is a great project for browser-privacy:
https://pet-portal.eu/blog/read/533/?set_language=eng.It works like a random generator for the public values of the useragent.
Is it possible to integrate this in the browser?Best Regards
Marco Bludszus
(Germany / Saxony / Chemnitz) -
yes and for me develope please a microwave-heater function for the coffee-mug ... dont panic! radiation makes smarta lot of superheroes where born with it...joke... no really there are a lot of testings by factories and goverments about the radiation-story. if it would be a powerfull electric magnetic radiation.... you would see it... the battery would not survive a minute
because radiotation needs a energysource...and by now the mobile-phones have not enugh power in the battery to cook your head.
i have a simple microwave-broadband- measurement-device from the grocery-store ....there was silence and never a allert by mobile-phone-antennas .
@mike said in What is your main points for a perfect personal phone operative system?:
yes and for me develope please a microwave-heater function for the coffee-mug
Say no more, i'll file an enhancement proposal. TO THE ISSUE TRACKER!
@NeoTheThird oh.... iam quiet ..silent as a mice :0)
Just stumbled over this thread and thought I'd write what would be the most important and compelling reasons for me to use an totally ideal (i know many of the points are utopic) mobile operating system (some points are unfortunately also hardware related) ...
- ... is one i can deploy myself on my own hardware, one which does not use any closed source blobs (not for device drivers, not for baseband module, etc.) so that i can update the operating system for the next decades on my own and which can be build easily without much dependencies to install and without many assumptions about the system one is building on (ideally only with the expectation to have any standard compliant C compiler installed - and for example one of the (g)make tools)
- One that supports something like secureboot (with one own's key) starting starting from the (real) ROM that launches the bootloader so that i can be assured that the OS that i flashed has not been tampered with
- It's an OS with a clear designed API which also features separation and clear loose coupling between applications (where applications can invoke actions of other applications by their type and not by specifying which application to use - like it's possible with android's intents)
- It's an OS for which I can write my own apps on my usual development plattform (i.e. not a specific linux distribution but also on windows and other unices) by looking up how everything works in good structured documentation
- It's an operating systeme where i can control permissions on a fine grained basis (network access to specific remote adresses and ports / bindings to specific local ports and to specific scope (local and/or remote), file access to specific directories / files, etc.)
- An operating system without any preinstalled applications that i cannot remove
- An operating system that does deliver some basic apps (like telephony, sms, contacts database; maybe a webdav server and/or client for file exchange) that i could replace myself but which also expose a standardized interface to invoke for third party applications on their behalve (for example to allow another application to prepare a SMS and show me inside the SMS application where i can give my consent for transmission or - in case i've given the permissions - allows the third party application to transmit / receive any time without any user interaction).
- Preinstalled applications that allow me to synchronize my data (contacts, etc.) to my own services which do not bring any cloud connection with them as they are preinstalled (of course such things should be available via third party tools optionally)
- An operating system that does not contain any DRM components and does not deliver any applications that support DRM in any way.
- An operating system that does not couple to a specific app store
- An operating system that does not kill my applications in a random way if memory pressure get's high (i.e. no overcommit) but which allows to allocate fixed amount of memory to some critical applications and memory pressure callbacks for other applications
- Development: An operating system that is bundled with a framework that allows for easy screen size independent development of applications; and a framework that allows easy (+- lightweight) IPC so that applications can be coupled via registerable actions so that they can be modularized and used by external applications in an easy way. And a framework that provides APIs that are stable on the really long term which are only extended but not modified after they've reached a stable state.
- A system that i can update simply (or that supports auto updating without breaking anything that's written according to the api specs) which also updates some important libraries (like openssl, etc.), etc. independent of the applications and which does not require recompile of applications that use these libraries
- A system where i can automate - by my own scripts or applications - nearly every aspect (given fine grained permissions) - for example having an easy way to write an application that enables / disables wireless LAN on estimated position determined via cellid, writing a sheduler that switches between silent/vibrating mode and an enabled bell, etc.
- A feature like BSDs user mode architecture and API "emulation" would be nice (like implementing own binary image loaders in case a signature matches, having the ability to register own syscalls, etc.)
- A system that has real multi user support and supports user switching without terminating another users processes (in case of being used on tablets)
I run Debian in all the machines I can, so an ideal phone to me would be one running Debian.
Debian Social Contract and Debian Free Software Guidelines are core to me.
The second best option is an UBports phone really free. That means no Android apps and no Google's tracking among other things.
You have a simple microwave-broadband- measurement-device i have a professional device. It can measure magnetic fiels, electro magnetic fields and highfrequecy fields. I dont like explain a blind man the light. Thirst thinking then writing. It produce less stupid words. -
@bluexxx, if you want to be effective making your point it is not a good idea to call names. Also a personal experience is just that, something anecdotal.
It's better to link some scientifically sounded sources. I recommend for anyone interested in the topic of cell phones and cancer risk to read this fact sheet written by The US National Cancer Institute (NCI), the federal government's principal agency for cancer research and training.
yea.... simple electromagnetic waves...in the older days people build antennas at home, from simple broadband-devices to magnetic loops for every frequency..but the radiodays are over now. .i like the grocery stores...there are a lot of ways to measure the same stuff
So i found it great that you invest such a big money in special devices. and yes i am not so an expert as you .... and I never claimed to be a expert
so i am exited to hear your expert-knowledge. that a blind man can see the light
I want that mobile OS does what I want, whenever I want. I want it to be easy to modified my own liking without rooting. Of course it has to be secure and privacy friendly also. I don't wanna it tracking me all the time and knowing everything about me..
Most important apps/features to me are..
- modern browser like Firefox
- good email client to gmail
- native hangouts, telegram clients
- good navigation, online/offline
- mobile hotspot
- lightweight OS, simple but intuitive GUI
- mobile data usagemonitor