As an answer to a my ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, Deep Thought suggested me to reach 42 stickers:

I'm an Italian Ubuntu user since 2007 and from the start I fallen in love with it. Since that year I used linux as my main desktop OS. From 2011 I'm searching to find the same experience in the smartphone world but I never found anything that gave me the same confidence...I have high hopes for this project and I hope that one day I will finally be able to use my smartphone freely and safely without the risk that my and my contacts data will be used as a bargaining chip or for gain by some company. For the same reason since 2006 I'm a wikipedia contributor and from 2012 an OpenStreetMap contributor. I know a little of C++, html3, css, qml, matlab/octave languages
Best posts made by Aury88
RE: Proposal for a Telegram Stickers Project
RE: [Morph Browser] Explanation about Canonical in URL
@prog-amateur I gave you the -1 "like" not because of your question, but because your imply, without knowing its purpose, that it "allows redirections to Canonical servers" coming to suspect a GDPR incompatibility and ending by asking what else (not if else)" is sent as a telemetry from OS/app to whatever company/organization". All after the initial sentence, resuming or reminding the Ubports sentence in the website about the care about freedom of choice and privacy, as it were a lie, and asking "clear answers" assuming the ubports foundation has ever in some way given unclear or ambiguous answers or/to hide the truth behind them or has reason to do so..
so that -1 is for the chosen style and the tone of the question that I personally perceive and didn't like, not for the question. about your question, because it is a good question, this was my answer:
ps: I'm not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with ubports and what I say may not be what ubports thinks
RE: TELEports. New Telegram app icon design
IMHO it's fundamental that the icon resemble the original one obviously avoiding any trademark infringing. I think we can use the original "3D-ish" icon as a base and colors (so to keeping similarity with the official one and make it discernable from the Unav one) and apply on it some of the UT official graphic guideline/style so to avoid trademark infringing.
for example something like:
they both are in origami style. in the first the geometry and the style of the paper airplane is different from the original/official logo (it'is another paper airplane ;)). the second is more similar in terms of geometry but the teleport effect make it whole new icon.
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
@unisuperbox Thanks you for all your hard work on Ubports.
I'm very sad thinking I will not heard your brilliant Q&As anymore but it is a choice that I understand perfectly.
I really wish you all the success and happiness you deserve and I hope, in the future, to see you here again, maybe in a less stressful role, but still here.Good luck in anything you will do.
Proposal for a Telegram Stickers Project
Hi guys,
as a way to spread UT/UBports I think could be also useful to make more famous our logos/mascot to the world.
One of our main communication channel is based on telegram that is the perfect platform for some of our marketing purpose for various reasons:-
it is used on smartphonens
it is supported on UT (thank you guys!)
it is used by people prone to try something different even if it is (still) less used than whatsapp
it has stickers
I started to make a little collection of yumi images based on this guideline and using telegram guidelines
Our current sticker pack has "only" 13 images so I tried to expand it (actually I've 35) and substitute some of them with new one, :
A more completed pack is more probable being used in our and other telegram channels spreading the world Yumi mascot and UBports logo.
So now I've some questions for the UBports Foundation:- Could this be useful for you?
- Am I infringing your trademark
- do I need an official approval?
- do I need only an official approval for the whole stickers pack or
- do I need an official approval for each sticker?
- do I need an official approval?
- do exist already a sticker project/place where I can contribute?
thank you!
RE: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
@Flohack I don't have to motivate the people.
I don't think you can look in his eyes and say to him "no"
RE: Proposal for a Telegram Stickers Project
new two stickers are coming:
this is for the next UT code cleaning
and this is for the next features requests -
Other (open) projects, useful for UT, that don't need programming skills
Hi guys!
This topic is opened because many of us would like to contribute to UT but don't have any programming skills.
We all know there are many things we can do in Ubports that don't need programming skills like translate, sponsoring, documenting, donating money, testing, bug-reporting etc but they are well known and already described in the project's website.
What many of us don't know is that there are many open projects that need (also) non-programming contributors and that could be or already are used in ubports (in the OS itself or in the apps).
Many of these projects are out there from some time and are well know but is always useful to remember themPS: contributing to this list is also a way to contribute to the project without needing programming skills so you can start contributing from here
RE: New badge for Yumi?
because this is a more stable configuration than a circle
Jokes aside, when I made this symbol I was thinking of the third generation of Ubuntu DE (after gnome and unity7, our beloved unity8) and- to the three elements of the project:
- the foundation,
- the community,
- all the mainstream projects,
- and to the three levels of the system:
- the device,
- the OS,
- the applications,
- or
- the hardware,
- the software ,
- the user.
- to the three elements of the project:
Latest posts made by Aury88
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 135 Call For Questions
One of the reasons for the move to focal was to be able to use updated upstream software and therefore free up internal resources to be dedicated to other things previously engaged in backporting or developing in-house solutions.
Following the switch to focal, are you able to give us an estimate of how much energy was saved which you can now dedicate to other aspects of the project?Are there still packages/libraries that you would like to see upgraded to the upstream version? Which ones are they?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 125 call for questions
not many question here so I hope you wouldn't mind if I monopolize the question time
In the last Q&A Alfred said that at the moment snaps can't replace libertine because there are things in libertine that UT needs so to stay feature complete. What are these features/things?
hypothetically speaking: what features has click that actually make them not replaceable by snaps?
are you collaborating/talking with canonical/snapcrafters about the snap support on UT? i think they would be happy to be the first to have a real universal packaging system usable in all kind of platforms (yeah I know, i'm not considering the smartwatch)
snapd and snaps already work on a read only system called ubuntu-core, why in UT snapd/s need a writable system? will this be solved?
hypothetically speaking how much work is needed to have lomiri packaged as a snap and working on an all snap OS ? (ps: there is already an old snapped unity8 DE)
canonical will soon release a desktop all-snap system with a snaped Gnome version...but we all know and remember that initially the plan was to have an adaptive (the term used was "convergent") DE so to make the "universal OS" really "universal"
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 123 call for questions
@Lakotaubp Hi
there was already a thread on the subject that cost me energy to make, but it was closed and at the moment I don't have time to open another one. for now I'm interested in the telegram channel (where no one expressed interest in (re)opening a thread on the forum) . based on how it goes maybe I'll decide if it's worth doing the job again or maybe someone else will do it.
thank you. -
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 123 call for questions
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to ask if you could take few seconds to spread that with the UT transition from xenial to focal, the system has now become usable on RPi4 and ask all owners of an RPi (3 or 4) to help us in test/bugreport/bugfix the system and applications so to help improve the user experience on these fantastic and widespread (developer) boards. there is a telegram group where we can help each other.Thank you very much for all your effort in the ubports project and UT so and software
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 119 Lomiri and Mir Desktop Special
with the new 20.04 based version we will see the use of the newer Mir version on UT.
what benefits will this change bring? will there be a performance improvement? do you already know what new features could be introduced with the new mir?with the new base and the new mir will we finally see solved the problems that block the usability of UT on Rpi4?
we recently saw good progress in terms of feature coverage thank to ie Alfred an Alberto work. but these progress are on 16.04 based version. how much of these progress can be "ported" on 20.04 base?
RE: I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
@unisuperbox Thanks you for all your hard work on Ubports.
I'm very sad thinking I will not heard your brilliant Q&As anymore but it is a choice that I understand perfectly.
I really wish you all the success and happiness you deserve and I hope, in the future, to see you here again, maybe in a less stressful role, but still here.Good luck in anything you will do.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 109 Saturday 25th Sept At 19:00 UTC.
Do you have ever made considerations about "What If [put a main developer name here] Gets Hit By A Bus?
What will happen if Marius or Daldon o Florian ecc Gets Hit By A Bus (or, more probably, lost interest in the project)?
Would the project go on or will it die?Now we have a foundation but can the project still be defined as an amateur project carried out by a few or an organization capable of surviving the abandonment of 4-5 main developers?
Ps: I wish the developers every luck and certainly not to be hit by a bus ... I used this case only because it is the subject of study for linus torward
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 105 Saturday 31st July At 19:00 UTC
what do you think about Waydroid (aka Anbox-halium). what are the differences with anbox used on UT?
can Waydroid be in future an acceptable solution on UT as well as Anbox?Waydroid has appeared in many articles in specialist newspapers around the world. Has this sudden increased visibility of this project already led to contributors also not linked to UT?
thanks @Xray2000 for the answer!I had missed that information
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 103 Saturday 3rd July At 19:00 UTC
@ubportsnews there is increasing interest in the use of Rust programming language, mainly due to its ability to enforcing memory safety statically. is there interest in integrating this language into UT? what do you think would be the components that would benefit most from being written in Rust language?
ALSO: thanks to my collaboration in OpenStreetMap I'm earning some Chrons from the NEO Economy (equivalent to 0.6€ per hour editing in OSM...I can also reach 6h/week)... is there a way to donate them to the ubports foundation?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 101 Saturday 5th June At 19:00 UTC
How is the work on the Ubuntu Touch Flatpak Runtime going on?
What help is needed?
In the description you said some apps already work fine. what are these apps?Make the UT apps compatible/usable in other distro is a way to make the development of ut app more appealing to the developers (wider userbase).... is this a project that will have priority any time soon?
PS:since unfortunately I missed the 100th Q&A because I was at my grandmother's funeral, I wish you all happy 100th Q&A now!! :party_popper: :party_popper: :party_popper: