Impossible to pay using morph-browser
One of the most annoying bugs I've experienced with morph-browser: wanting to extend a paid webmail for a while, impossible to be redirected to the payment page ( ) : my webmail crashes and there is a disconnection from the webmail when i click on the page area secure payment (paiement sécurisé) :
I imagine that this kind of problem, perhaps with nuances, must occur on other sites whenever there is a redirection to a payment intermediary (or other kinds of redirections).
The workaround was to take my ubuntu netbook...
Is this bug well referenced? What number(s)?
If it is, is it related to morph-browser only or will it be solved with the implementation of MIR/new UNITY 8 ?
Is there a workaround under UT ?
@domubpkm have you seen anything relevant in the log(s)? You can file an issue on
@advocatux You right, i can open a new issue but, do you think it will be a new one ?
I didn't look in log(s) yet. As i don't want to crash my webmail to much time... what log(s) for that problem ? Only morph-browser log just after the crash ?
@domubpkm yes, I would start taking a look to Morph log, you can find it in
(as you probably know, but just in case...) -
@advocatux here is : more information : something who can appear strange : after wanting to pay (and can't), i see on the screen the page 'disconnection' of the webmail, so i can supposed the webmail was disconnected BUT, there is always a tab 'secured paiement' open and, in fact, the webmail is open because i can browse where i want and disconnect to the end.
@domubpkm I'm way out of my deep here. Do you mind to file a proper issue report? Thanks!
@advocatux ok. I'll do that. Have a good day.
@domubpkm you too, and thank you