Dekko 2 project not alive anymore ?
i have checked the Dekko Project. Because i need a native email app witch can send me notifications if there is a new email. But Dekko seams to be not alive anymore ? The Homepage is only a parking page and the git Project shows the last commit on 2018.
Dekko is alive! They just had a release this weekend. @hummlbach should be able to point you to the correct git repo.
@advocatux this git repo show the last commit 5 months ago.
Hi @lipkowski-be,
Dan Chapman (the maintainer of Dekko) is unavailable due to health issues... ;-( therefor any contribution to Dekko goes here for now (since we can't merge them to master as long as Dan isn't around). Issues are still tracked in the original repo already posted by @advocatux:
Also the webpage has gone down recently unfortunately... not sure if we will resurrect it, however we will continue to work on Dekko but progress will be much slower as long as Dan is unavailable. Up next: Dekko using qtwebengine to render mails instead of oxide - stay tuned.