Webber - webapp creator
Just for information, on the Openstore, a new Webapp creator : Webber.
The application is only in its first steps but seems to me very fluid and easy to use.
Thanks to Tim Süberkrüb. -
It looks quite nice, and being able to define the url pattern will make all the difference.
@Giiba said in Webber - webapp creator:
It looks quite nice, and being able to define the url pattern will make all the difference.
Can you give an example what these url patterns allow to do?
Update 0.2.0 : improve user interface and allow to customize permissions !!
Awesome !
The url pattern allows you to configure the allowed domains for a web app. See below for code I use for a simple gmail app. The pattern is *.google.com to allow for accounts.google.com to pass enabling login.The web app creator that pre-dates this new one would just fill the url pattern same as the url, meaning a lot of sites don't fully work without further modifications.
[Desktop Entry] Name=******** Comment=******** gmail Type=Application Icon=********.png Exec=webapp-container --webappUrlPatterns=https?://*.google.com/* https://mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/900/#tl/Inbox Terminal=false X-Ubuntu-Touch=true X-Ubuntu-Splash-Color=#000000
A lot of apps I use include banks and blogs and it's fantastic to be able to create a quick desktop icon/link to the login pages...well done Tim Süberkrüb!
It would be good if there was a way to override the browser user agent from within Webber so that it could (for example) be set to Chrome on Android etc
Some websites really dislike Morph for arbitrary reasons
Hi, this kind of feature request is better asked directly to the app maintainer: https://github.com/timsueberkrueb/webber/issues/new
You might wanna check the existing issues before creating a new one to avoid doubles. -
For those who want to use webber on the DEV channel at the moment (except Pinphone), ONLY version 0.4.0 works on most phones i think. The download link is the following: