Using ut-phones as a media station - offering a specific media-image of UT !?
This is how my 'media-ut' is looking like. I don't need the phone-, sms- and contact-app (and cannot deinstall or hide it). The thing which is disturbing the most is when I press on-buttom I have always the start screen and have to swipe (no password). Would be nicer if I directly have the running app. Probably some further functions could be deactivated - so battery lifetime could be a bit longer!?
It is running fine! Especially music and flas app are used always. Very nice... Connects fast, no problems (only flas app was 'hanging' in the past very often .. new version is much better!). I use the BQ with the transportable Teufel bluetooth speaker in every room and I don't have any other music station anymore.
(If I e.g. could connect a stationary antenna to my fritz box and we would have an app which plays radio channels from these signals we could expand functionalities and amount of online data ...)
Now a bit bigger - so I can even read it after 5 beers ;D
A nice function would be if I can start a video from the ut-media-phone via Kodi on my tv-screen. With my notebook I can do that with a browser-app (only on some websites working).
Very little problems I have using the
music app: if I import a very large amount of music files the app sometimes does not start and I have to close it and to start it again (this problems exists since years, but was getting better and better)
flas app: sometimes a channel does not start - especially if I change channels more often. Than I have to close and start the app again - otherwise it is not working anymore (this problem still exist - but is with the new flas app much better - maybe sometimes a channel has no data, could that be a part of the problem??) And it would be very nice if the app starts at the favorite channels.
tv app: really starts very slowly on the BQ and shows a problem at every start
shoutcast app: I cannot save any channel
That's all. Rest works perfect. Runs over hours without a problem.
I will now order a magnetic holder so that I can stick the BQ directly at the speaker. I would like to have one with an UT media logo on it - but probably I will not find one...
@Mic_ advises developers not to add the option to save a channel since the references are only valid for one day. So I did not add this option.
@wdehoog Oh sorry, I didn't know that. I just write down an idea. No advises - I know to less about the devolpement. I (only) use shoutcast because it connects unbelievable fast to channels - thats why I have 'selected' it. And we have this function in different apps - at the end I only need one radio app - at the moment I prefer flas.
@wdehoog I always really liked your music app too
. I wish it would get better and better !
This post is deleted! -
I like the 'local'-area of flas and esp. that it has favorite-channels, a good selection (not too many) and it looks really nice. And I also like the feeling with uRadio - but that worked at the end not nice. The 'genre' of SHOUTcast is of course cool - but if there are more than 10 areas below - I don't find it practical.
A function with 'marketing-free-channels only' would be nice.
At the end I want the basis of SHOUTcast with the great speed connector, the feeling of uRadio and the look and selection of flas.
Is that to much?
If my whole story here is actually too much work or / and not interesting enough until now, these little things would make my new 'utMedia Device' much nicer and fully usable:
if I have choosen 'none' in system settings 'security after lock' it would be helpful if there is NO starter screen (with time/date) and I don't have to swipe
if I can choose '5 seconds' in the same section under 'activate hybernation (standby) if not used' -> I would never have to turn off the screen again
and there is this annoying notification if you turn up the volume over 80% or something - can this be turned off? This was disturbing me also on my N5
And I don't know if the whole SIM-functionality can be switched off (castration) and if an option can be added easily (which also deinstalls apps).
AVM is already offering comparable media phones - which can play regional and internet radio stations and also videos from a harddisk which is connected to the router. But at least the AVM phones are not a bit so powerfull than UT already is (no bluetooth e.g.).