i've received my pinephone today. I've installed the latest revision from https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs/job/rootfs-pinephone/ (rev 201).
However it seems a lot more buggy that's what is seen on videos showing ubports on pinephone:
- A lot of display issues with strange colors
- Keyboard not showing at critical moments, when it should.
- Very often random freezes: touchscreen becomes totaly unresponsive.
- Often random restart of the shell
Is there a specific revision which works better?
He are photos of the strange display colors.
@pparent Hi,
The best course of action is to refer there : https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/pinephoneAlso check the known issues and report what you experience.
About the color problem if it's not reported yet, it may also be an assembly issue (just my two cents)
@pparent Its a known bug for the moment, and will need some time to fixing. Sorry for that, no better image currently available
Thank's a lot for the answer and for your work!