Call for testing: OOM adjustment changes
@fredldotme No ubports-qa active.
I'm not running devel channel, should I?
No Developer mode active.Sorry,I don't know what I'm doing
further instructions will be appreciated.
@status_active If you want to continue helping: You can switch to the development channel via the Updates menu in the System Settings app. You will have to rerun the commands in the first post again after that.
Ok, reflashing now.Developer Mode should be active?
@status_active Just in case the startup fails again, we might need something to get information from.
Oook, now it's working. March 8th update were installed too
@status_active Awesome!
@fredldotme Now, should I open as much apps as I can and take a look at them on the Terminal using TOP?
@status_active Opening as many apps as possible is a good start. What shouldn't happen is that the topmost application gets killed before the others.
@fredldotme Topmost application meaning the current active or foreground app?
@kugiigi I would say the most memory consuming app
With this change switching between apps is much snappier. I couldn't find any regressions.
I agree.No issues at all when switching between apps
Can this be installed on rc channel?
@mihael you can try but it's untested. As of now rc should roughly match what devel pprovides
Is this something that in the end (after tests) will land in the image?
@mihael hopefully
And how would you describe the benefits of this chage?
@mihael See the first post.
@fredldotme Right now, on my Pro5, I have many apps setup in UT Tweak Tool not to be supressed by the system. Yet, I only use Call, Browser and Gallery opened (stay on) all the time. I also use 2GB of swap. Still, from time to time, Unity8 reboots - and I guess this is because ram is limited (3GB).
Do you think this mod will improve the behaviour described above? - like would it still reboot because of a ram limitation or no more reboots?
Thank you for all your work and time!
@mihael no, this probably won't change much.