[Spanish] To all the people translating into Spanish
@UniSuperBox has been kind enough to give us a little bit of plot to coordinate our translations, so let's take advantage of it.
I'll start. When translating "remove" I've seen eliminar, quitar y desinstalar.
We must choose one to keep coherence.
- about a month later
@advocatux Eliminar would be the best translation
@speedracer08861 depends of the context: remove a bug - eliminar un fallo
remove an app(lication) - deinstalar una ... -
@guru you're right about the importance of the context, but it's also important to select just one word because that's pretty handy when you want to do a search&replace
So for now we'll try to use the word "eliminar" unless is better to use another due to context. Do you agree?
P.S. There's a typo in your suggestion: deinstalar is desinstalar.
@advocatux acabo de consultar mi DRAE: ambas palabras no tienen entrada en él, así no sé;
@guru maybe your DRAE is not updated.
Definición en RAE online: desinstalar
De des- e instalar.
1. tr. Inform. Eliminar del disco duro de una computadora los archivos necesarios para el funcionamiento de un programa.
I would love to translate as i speak fluent spanish and portuguese
@speedracer08861 that's great. You can go to https://translate.ubports.com/ and help with any language you want.
The word quitar is the shortest.
@Cesar-Herrera that's right but the problem is nobody uses that word in tech documentation.