Xiaomi Redmi 4X (santoni)
@BlackOtton Is your data partition f2fs? If it is then change it back to ext4.
@Danct12 Now booting on Ubuntu. Thx for ur help.
@Danct12 Thanks, reformatting /data to ext4 finally worked.
@4htet , I also had many problems with halium-install, I've spent a lot of time to figuring out , using manjaro linux ...
I've installed the : qemu-arm-static , binfmt-qemu-static, simg2img from simg-tools package
and changed a line in function setup_passwd() ,from "halium-install/functions/distributions.sh"
do_until_success sudo chroot "$ROOTFS_DIR" passwd $user to sudo chroot "$ROOTFS_DIR" passwd $user
on the halium install script are described the dependencies:
Halium installer script
Copyright (C) 2017 JBBgameich
Copyright (C) 2017 TheWiseNerdLicense: GPLv3
dependencies: qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static e2fsprogs sudo simg2img
best regards,
Alex -
Hello @Danct12 ,
Flashing again Your last build, Mon 09 MAR, without any wipe -> all my settings were kept, this is normal? This is a feature? ... because of user data is stored in santoni:/data/user-data/phablet ?
Another problem network interface from computer disappearing during the UB boot.
Appearing for a short time then disappear. -
Resolved, flashed the anterior. -
@aceclan Your home directory should stay intact, I flashed my nexus 5 on legacy build with halium 7.1 build and everything worked fine.
I tried to log in to google account to sync my contacts. But at the log in page, keyboard is not popping up( not showing) . And one more thing, my language BURMESE letters are not showing in sms. Showing only square characters. I tried to install fonts and it is saying read only file system. Any IDEA?
Please help me i tried everything always stuck at mi logo, i formated the data and flashed it and still stuck at mi logo never booted to ubuntu. please someone provide step by step process
@4htet Keyboard not popping up at Google page is probably a UBports error, the same issue is on Oneplus 3.
And read-only file system, you can try
sudo mount -o rw,remount /
to remount the rootfs as root.But your language issue is weird, it could be a UBports issue unless someone tested it on official supported device.
@bisaalz Format your /data partition as ext4.
Same for me, format data as ext4 does not help. I am unable get any logs,
dmesg -w
on PC does not show anything,/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops
file does not exist. I am unable to boot your recovery,sudo fastboot boot recovery.img
show only mi logo. I tried to downgrade firmware, compile system by my own, many recovery images. But I am unable to boot this (and recovery from that post too). Some people on XDA have similar problem. I was using lastest MIUI 11.2 before. -
@Danct12 maybe we should update blobs, I am not sure what else to do.
@danqo6 Perhaps you could try to flash a LOS 14.1 rom first and see if LOS loads.
@danqo6 , from the fastboot mode, check first:
$ fastboot devices
330915847d15 fastbootthen download and use: Latest TWRP
$ fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-0-santoni.img
Sending 'boot.img' (24844 KB) OKAY [ 0.783s]
Booting OKAY [ 0.715s]
Finished. Total time: 1.615sAfter Backup ALL and copy TWRP folder to Your PC,
full format: Wipe/Format Data is needed to remove encryptionAfter flash system.img and rootfs.tar.gz don't forget to boot again to fastboot and flash hallium-boot.img:
fastboot flash boot halium-boot.img -
@bisaalz , I think You forgot:
fastboot flash boot halium-boot.img
@aceclan I did everything you said flash every thing still stuck at mi logo but other android custom boots but ubuntu never boots
Is it possible to build the boot image with anbox support?
@bisaalz Please try to flash LineageOS 14.1 (just that, don't install Ubuntu), and reboot.
If LineageOS 14 boots, can you try to install Ubuntu again? Perhaps this is needed first, I have not updated my device firmware for months now.
I don't know how to open the download page, where should I click to get this page
How can i get to the download link๏ผ