Unlock the bootloader forcibly
Stefano, do you have by any chance the modified proinfo file ? The link in the tut (https://mega.nz/#!8ZJ01aZK!2WfKciJk1...EGua32_76hTBac) is broken.
@marek_python I'm out at the moment, will send you link later.
OK. Cheers.
Stefano, where should I dump the TWRP recovery image ? I left it on sdcard then I moved it into root directory but keep getting "error: cannot load TWRP_3.0_m86.img"
Where it should be located so it picks up on that ? -
@marek_python Need reboot to bootloader and from PC flash the recovery:
fastboot flash recovery TWRP_3.0_m86.img -
Yes, I know. I'm in fastboot mode and typed: fastboot flash recovery TWRP_3.0_m86.img but getting "error: cannot load TWRP_3.0_m86.img"
Hence I'm asking where it is looking for the file ?
@marek_python If I remember correctly you can go to the folder you have downloaded twrp to, open the terminal there then run the command.
@marek_python Need to go on your PC to right directory, e.g. if you have downloaded TWRP to Downloads, then go to Downloads. (cd /Downloads ) if you're using Linux, not sure about Windows or Mac
As turned out all I needed to do is to move the recovery file into
in Windows and rename it to recovery.img . That should be noted in the guide. The fastboot won't pick up on the image unless it's called recovery.img
This post is deleted! -
@Stefano Thanks a lot for the file !
@marek_python said in Unlock the bootloader forcibly:
(...) I followed the tuts on XDA site all UT community is aware of. However, I can't pass the point where I'm supposed to type "su" into terminal emulator. It just spits out "Connection to ui timed out" meaning it won't let me execute the commands where I need elevated privileges. And for overwriting the proinfo file I do need to be root in the session. So far I haven't found a way to go around it.
I had the same problem, Terminal just hangs. So I simply use
adb shell
suand a then following with the procedure (using simply cp instead of dd)
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