Possible to restore a ROM on a OnePlusOne device?
Hi there,
I'm new to the UBports world but would really love to flash UBports on my new to me OnePlusOne-3.But, I'm worried about that if it's not quite ready for me or vice versa.
So, is it possible to undo an UBports flash back to stock?
Sorry if this is a really N00B question.many
thanks -
Hi and welcome.This is possible to go back to android given that you have a ROM to flash.
I think the OP3 is well supported by android hackers.On another note, I'm a bit confused is OnePlusOne another company or just a mistake for OnePlus ?
There are so many Chinese brands that it's hard for me to keep track beside Huawei, Meizu and OnePlus. -
@AppLee said in Possible to restore a ROM on a OnePlusOne device?:
On another note, I'm a bit confused is OnePlusOne another company or just a mistake for OnePlus ?
I think he meant OnePlus 3 yes.
There is no other phone company named OnePlus"something". -
You should be most definitely be able to flash back to an android ROM, but you will most likely lose all of the data on the device.
It's not impossible to save the data, but you would need some kind of backup/restore system. I wouldn't say that there is really an "undo" available. You would have to "redo" the stock rom etc. So you would need to be comfortable with installing things via fastboot , adb, etc.
The OnePlus 3 has some pretty active development https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/oneplus3/
Most things are working, but some things are not: e.g. video recording doesn't work.Here are some other issues that you might face: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+oneplus+label%3A"device%3A+oneplus3"
Hopefully that helps!
Thank you everyone for your help you Rock!
Sorry I was sending this from mobile deviceand looking after a 2 yr old so things got a little confused.
I've already downloaded the back up from their site just wasn't sure if ubports would alter things permanently.