Cool, already waiting this port for long time.
I want to try your port, do i need specific twrp version? -
Yes, some users did express some issues when using a wrong version, Use twrp
please go to https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-note-4/xiaomi-redmi-note-4-snapdragon-roms-kernels-recoveries--other-development/rom-ubuntu-touch-redmi-note-4x-t4069381as i can't update the post due to the following error
You are only allowed to edit posts for 3600 second(s) after posting"
@win32_downdadup Checking why for you.
@win32_downdadup There are a few changes being brought in to stop spammers. They frequently return to edit and change post. So this is being looked at. Can you try again and let me know.
@Lakotaubp I'll check it out
This post is deleted! -
Amazing, I use OrangeFox (Port of TWRP). Flash is success, and wow ubuntu touch is so smooth. The web browser also amazing compared to sailfishOS web browser.
Hi i have issue like https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/14
In Pre-Alpha V1.1 Please fix this issueThx for your hardwork
@win32_downdadup said in Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (mido):
This is a port of Ubuntu Touch for Xiaomi Redmi note 4X
Will it work also at Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (without X version) ?
Jio 4g sim calling not working
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