Anyone have Linux phone for sale?
@Keneda If your selling one with UT on it, or if as this thread someone has asked about one, Yes. Point them in the right direction.
Random posting of any you find and especially ones without UT but could be flashed to UT no, not really. We are not a market place, but we can be very helpful to our fellow Forum members when asked. -
Never buy "replacement" batteries, always try to find a genuine one.
For example for my MX4, genuine is "BT40" (edit : from Sony), and can be easily found on the net.And yes, replacement screens for phone are very cheap most time, i bough one for my MX4, but backlight was terrible (high clouding), touch feeling not good (feel like touching sand), and sizing was quite different...
I finished buying an androïd MX4 and used its screen to replace my uTouch MX4 one. -
Just to clarify may last post:
I was selling my Sony X with UT and posted a link on the forum here but it has now been sold to another forum member.
Good luck with your search Nathan123.
@Lakotaubp said in Anyone have Linux phone for sale?:
Random posting of any you find and especially ones without UT but could be flashed to UT no, not really. We are not a market place, but we can be very helpful to our fellow Forum members when asked.
OK so i'll give him the link i found if he answers us, as we even don't know from where he buys and from what markets he can/want buy lol.
@gudishvibes There is like 10 different threads about it on this forum. but TLDR the Polarcell ones are generally recommended. The Nexus5 isn't exactly great on battery life even with a brand new battery though.
@gudishvibes said in Anyone have Linux phone for sale?:
@poVoq what batteries do you recommend by brand? (i just realised this directly contradicts @Keneda's advice, but i guess third party batteries are second choice)
Just checked and for Nexus 5 you can find genuine batteries for cheap.
"BL-T9" from LG, less than 10$. -
Getting a bit OT for this thread now on batteries. It is about an UT phone after all.
@Keneda True, but in many cases easier sad than done. I ended with Polarcell battery from Ebay for my Lumia and it is perfect!
@Nathan123 I have a Nexus 5 with UT 16.04 (OTA-11). You can have it as I plan to buy a PinePhone when stable. It's 4 months old and rarely used.
@ToxyPoxy I don't like buying things like that from China anyway. Nothing against Chinese people.
@C0n57an71n Sounds good. PM me. I will give you some money if u want.