Icon Library
You're getting better and better at itYou might want to add tags to your first post of this thread (thinking: #design, #app #development, #icons, #openstore)
In case somebody wonders how an SDR looks likeApp icon idea for WebSDR App from Dirk Unverzagt. Maybe he can see this and come with suggestions.
@C0n57an71n said in Icon Library:
App icon idea for WebSDR App from Dirk Unverzagt. Maybe he can see this and come with suggestions.
Or notify him by email pa3fwm@websdr.org
Another App suggestion for WebSDR -
@3T_Ed Thanks! I will send him an email.
Icon concept for 5Morsememory App from Dirk Unverzagt.In case someone wonders: this game is about learning Morse code by flipping playing cards. The code in the icon is for "U" in Morse code. And it fills my gap
Best iteration of the classic typewriter thus far, it does most justice to the original picture.
Just curious, what makes you decide designing app icons for certain app developers? What makes you pick one in particular? Is it random for 'exercise' or is it based on your hobbies?
@3T_Ed Thanks once again for the words! Well..., the thing with the typewriter was "If I would design a word-processor app, how would I design the icon without using the already classic paper and pen" and since I collect typewriters... The others are just an exercise to see how much can I transmit, with as little as possible and keep the image clear and visible when small. I love to associate things. If they are referring to the radio thing, like SDR or Morse, is because I'm interested in domain and my work is related to that so I've installed some apps and I've saw how terrible their icons are.
@3T_Ed The best example is the icon for 5Morsememory. How can you put together in an icon the fact that the app refers to playingcards swiping and Morse playing? I love to stretch my imagination for this kind of stuff... I should be swimming in the lake right now, but I have to many ideas... =))
Music player.
To the typewriter icon, I would suggest of adding more, but thinner, lines of text to the paper emerging from the top, and most or all of one color. As it is, I would never guess what the stuff above the keyboard was intended to represent had I not seen this thread. You don't want to make people ask themselves, "What are those three bars supposed to mean?"
I just had a look at a few Iphone and Android icons for text editors, and all in my small sample used either multiple thin lines (edit: I just noticed this is the case of the notes icon right above your own in some of the examples above) or very thin lines spanning the whole icon, the former to indicate typed text and the latter to indicate the ruled lines of a blank notebook page.
@trainailleur Thanks! for the suggestion! But at this moment I think I'm done with this icon :anxious_face_with_sweat: In case that somebody wants to use it I'm gonna modify it as they please.
Thank you for sharing your decision making thoughts. I like it when people get inspired and do what keeps them going. You're contributing to the awareness on this forum that app icons do not necessarily have to be like standard pictures or symbols. Your icon of the memory card game definitely shows that, although I have to admit I could not have guessed it by looking at the icon, not before checking the nature of the webapp first that is. Then the aha..moment set in. Well done!
There is still a general idea and association with commonly used icons. Your latest icon of the 'music player' made me think of a Guitar application at first. Only after that initial response I noticed the spinning wheel and the guitar neck serving as a tone arm.
For music players to be recognizable as such I'm afraid we still rely on associations with pauze/play/stop buttons. Having seen what you're capable of, those button symbols fit in very easy within the format you have been using and no doubt you can turn that into something beautifully minimalistic yet easy identifiable as a music player.
Funny thing is, now that your signature is starting to get somewhat familiair and 'predictable' (which is a very positive thing when it comes to icons!) I can already imagine what an icon like that will look like.
Can't wait to see your next creation
@C0n57an71n said in Icon Library:
I should be swimming in the lake right now
Maybe you should have with temps over 30 °C +
@3T_Ed I'm trying to portrait objects more than abstract concepts because the physical object invites you to play with them, they ask for interaction, when an abstract icon doesn't do that. Most of these objects requires action and the red areas come to accentuate that. An icon should be like a small toy that is just inviting you to play with it.
@C0n57an71n hey Constantin, I looked at your work with the icons and I'm really impressed. In case you were interested in designing an icon for my app, I'd really appreciate, since I'm terrible at designing icon. Details about my app are here ---> dataMonitor. Unfortunately the latest app version isn't working as expected due to issues collected working on it blindfolded while I wasn't owning an UT compatible device (still waiting for a PinePhone to come), therefore I probably am not able to work on it anytime soon. So, I'm just suggesting this at your convenience, with no pressure nor rush. The icon I made was just supposed to be temporary and I got the intention to replace it once the major technical issues resulted overcome as the minimum goal (I think I'm close to that goal by the way). Thank you in advance
@matteo Love to help and thanks for the appreciation! I'll have a look on what's your app all about and I'll tag you as soon as I got something.
That's awesome! @matteo @C0n57an71n