FluffyChat Encryption via Pantalaimon
@theare27 I hope that once I get to the root of the problem I can submit a patch to FC to resolve it fully. That is once I get the time to, the day job has me pretty busy right now. If nothing else maybe bouncing between the two clients will suffice unitl a fix can be found.
@thrrgilag cheers, yeah I can bounce around when I need to see media until Fluffy Chat gets patched. Thanks for all your work
Hello, i've been struggling to install pantalaimon on my oneplus one, but now it's properly installed (thanks to your click image, great job btw).
Now i think i've found an issue : my homeserver has a
domain name (Yunohost free domains), and i think pantalaimon does not agree with it : it keeps deleting thest
at the end so it fails to connect to it... -
@Aristid can you share the log for it?
@thrrgilag http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3BkPFqBmD5/
notre sure if those are the right ones...
@Aristid Yeah that looks like the right log, it's just now giving much to go on unforunatly. When you close and re-open the app it does it still remember your configuration?
@thrrgilag Well the first time i configure my home server, quit the app and relaunch it the url is truncated (
is removed as mentionned earlier). I complete it again, save and quit and then it appears correctly. But i doubt the app really remembers it as fluffychat behaves as if pantalaimon is not installed. -
@Aristid the actual config file can be found in /home/phablet/.config/pantalaimon/pantalaimon.conf, you can manually verify it's precence there. A couple of other shots in the dark to try is manually look a the config file and make sure your homeserver entry is a full URL, (e.g. https://<whatever>.noho.st). If your SSL cert isn't verifiable you could also try adding "SSL = False" to disable verification of the certificate. You can restart the service by toggling it off & on in the app or but running "stop pantalaimon" and "start pantalaimon" in the terminal.
I'll add some additional configuration items to the next release to help with troubleshooting.
@thrrgilag Well config file seems ok, but still cannot read my encrypted chatrooms... When i want to activate the encryption in Fluffychat nothing happens.
@Aristid is it old messages that you can't read? Do new messages in those encrypted chat rooms work?
One of the limitations currently is that encryption keys aren't imported/sync'd so you won't be able to decrypt anything that was previously sent. New messages should be fine though.
@thrrgilag Ok so i'm not getting old messages, that's ok, but i'm not receiving new ones either. I feel that fluffy still acts as if pantalaimon is not installed...
@Aristid and just to double check, you've reconfigured fluffy to point to localhost:8009 and not your homeserver url right?
@thrrgilag Ok now i feel dumb : it works when you do it properly...
Fractal had the picture issue as well and they solved it: https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon/issues/61
@jonius oh awesome, I'll check that out today when I get an opportunity.
Hi, I have a hard time making pantalaimon work with fluffy chat, the pantalaimon is properly configured and running (I have check in /home/phablet/.config/pantalaimon/pantalaimon.conf)
Fluffy chat prevent me from signing in because of a an "unecognized request".
Any clues what's going on ?Pantailamon service log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PZTsc7Bj6F/
Paintailamon app log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z8Jsw7kF3Z/
Fluffy chat log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FgDXwffBmh/
I moved my homeserver to an other domain and know it works. Can't reprodue the issue... strange but happy that it works
For those interested I cooked up a minor update taking care of a few missing things and the bug with saving the configuration for the first time. It contains the same binary as before just mainly cosmetic. Click packages can be found at the link.
I'm still working on chasing down the image loading issue in FluffyChat as well as getting cross compiling fully sorted. Progress continues.
It works for me
(converser). I'll try a privacytools next.
It works so great! What do You think about publishing it in openstore or creating a github/lab/whatever release page to make it easy to watch and find newest version?
@BigB said in FluffyChat Encryption via Pantalaimon:
It works for me
(converser). I'll try a privacytools next.
Awesome, glad to here it!
It works so great! What do You think about publishing it in openstore or creating a github/lab/whatever release page to make it easy to watch and find newest version?
I want to get cross builds working properly prior to getting it published in the openstore. At the moment you have to build the binary on device prior to packaging which isn't all that ideal.
It is already open source, available on sourcehut. https://sr.ht/~thrrgilag/pantalaimon-ut/ Any contributions in the form of patches, bug reports, etc are greatly welcome.
In terms of watching for a new release, you can subscribe to a RSS feed of the project (you can find one on the refs page for example) or there is a mailing list I setup to recieve patches which I can post announcements to. I'm also wiling to post announcements here or start a new thread in the forum to follow if folks prefer? I'm pretty open to suggestions.