USB-tethering doesn't work on my Onelpus 3.
@Lakotaubp No results with UT Tweak Tool.
Is it common issue?
Has anybody USB-tethering working on OP3? -
@Kyrylo I don't think it's implemented yet, but the best place to ask is here
@Kyrylo I would say ADB and RNDIS are still missing. Had testet weeks ago. MTP was working (almost) for me. The most reliable ist ssh, but that does not help for tethering. Maybe it is possible to use ssh as a proxy to forward the connection from clients that can handle proxy connections (SOCKS, like firefox or thunderbird). I have not tested it, because I do not need it.
@gischpelino Your idea sounds good.
Thank you for clarifying the question. -
Thank You all!
I was confused by the fact that someone said that he had this feature on Oneplus 3.
I hope we will have this in nearest future.
Have a nice day! -
Since it was working in android, there must be a way to have it working in UBports. I had more or less the same issue in the Xperia X port and could make it work (see here). Turns out that the proper device to use was usb0 and not rnids0 (but editing some files was still required to have usb0 being available). If you are comfortable with linux command line and modifying bash scripts, you should try things along what I did.
@slowcyclist Thank You very much!
I've just copied and pasted some of lines from your topic and USB-tethering WORKS NOW!!!
(I don't know why:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: )
Here are that commands:
$ sudo android-gadget-service enable rndis
$ sudo bash /android/system/halium/usr/share/usbinit/setupusb reset
$ sudo bash /android/system/halium/usr/share/usbinit/setupusb rndis
$ sudo ifconfig rndis0 up
$ sudo tethering enablePlease, test it sombody else with Oneplus3.
@Kyrylo Can try later today if that helps, just use your commands above?
I can mistaken, maybe order should be different.
I've just messed up with those commands and suddenly it worked. -
@Kyrylo hey there, i just tried on a nexus 4 with 16.04 OTA 12 and it doesnt work ("no such file found") anyone any tipps?
@commisde Hey!
If I'm not mistaken there is no problem with USB-tethering on Nexus 4.
You should just type those two commands in terminal:$ android-gadget-service enable rndis $ sudo tethering enable
@Kyrylo Or use UT Tweak Tool to enable it ^^