My LG Nexus 5 Arrived Yesterday | Here's What I Think
I also use a Nexus 5 as daily driver and very happy with it. I also use an Iphone 8 beside for whatsapp, banks apps, IoT and other stuffs that I need.
Then you're not using it as your daily driver
I don't think daily driver means what you think it means. lol, but jokes aside.. okies, I'll have another go at the GPS. I'll try outside in a clear environment, but if I can't actually use it inside my car -- then that would be kind of pointless.
@mrlen You definitely can. You just need to get the fix outside, but after that, it runs smooth in a car. What I do (well did, before offline maps stopped working on pure maps) is I open the window, get the phone close to the opening for sometime, get the fix, then close the window, and off we go ^^
@totalrando Sure both could be enhanced with video calls, its jsut that we need a few ppl experienced with C++ and Qt/QML... Go find some
Actually, Slack kind of almost half works. I tried to call my wife's android from my Nexus 5 UT and it actually rang. I accepted the call, but then UT went back and crapped out. Something tells me it's probably got most of what it needs to run. Maybe just needs a bit more work.
@mrlen But Slack is neither an Open Source App, nor is it native App for UT. Are you using Anbox with it? The device consumes too much battery with Anbox, too much background activity etc. So its not ready for daily use.
@flohack Yeah, I don't like that it's not OS. I am not using Anbox. I put my phone out under the sky several times yesterday -- probably for 45 minutes all up. I couldn't get GPS to connect. I wonder if it's because I am in Australia?
@mrlen In theory the GPS coverage is uniform over the entire planetary surface. It could therefore be a hardware problem.
However, you can try as following:Troubleshooting:
. Ensure localization is well activated in top bar menu
. Grant localization access to the application
. Prevent the application from going into sleep mode (Use UTTT to activate the status)
. Reboot Smartphone
. Ensure to be in a unobstructed location, open the app and leave it on during 15 minutes. -
Yesterday, I checked that location services were turned on already and that the apps had access. They were toggled on. I didn't reboot after I checked those things though.
And also, the phone is brand new.
I'll try again today.
@mrlen please open a terminal and execute sudo test_gps, and see if after some time it spits out longitude/latitude infos
@flohack It seems to be displaying something. It's refreshing like every 1/2 second and displaying timestamp, elevation, etc.
@mrlen well it spits out a lot of information, but the critical one is a valid logintude/latitude after the GPS got a fix. If that never appears, only guess it that the antenna has issues. But in general your location backend works, otherwise the NMEA messages would not show up there.