Request list for other devices in the device subfolders
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet)
I will only put devices into the forum that made it into the installer - We struggle already with question and issues for community ports where we do not have any communication ongoing with the porter. So thats it for the moment:
Totally agree with @Flohack on this. We still have the for those initial steps and just starting out or not quite there yet.
Will there be Meizu subforum, or at least "legacy" one?
@keneda Yes I can add Meizu of course
@keneda Meizu is done now ^^
@flohack I don't agree with flohack. Even when developers are not present in the forum, every knowledge about devices is precious. For instance, there is a problem with the different types of Xiaomi devices, which their exact model naming. A subfolder for each Xiaomi device which is ported, or generally for each device which is ported would be helpful. Every port is precous work and deserves a subfolder, a subfolder for each device someone requests. Even if there is no further developement for a device, it is good to know the different devices, their naming, and what is working, and what is not working. This can help which device to choose. Else this information is scattered everywhere.
We all agree on the fact that knowledge is important.
But considering the Redmi Note 7 pro (violet), there is no actual port.There are many ongoing port project that none of us never heard of because the porter simply tried and failed.
If a port is mature enough to get to the installer it is worth creating a subfolder so people might test and help improve the port.In case of a less mature port, the porter can ask for tester in the porting category because it requires some skills to simply try such WIP ports... That's not for everyone to try.
@applee I want my four missing Xiaomi folders that I requested, or I will ignore everyone who is against it.
@peter-gamma and they are free to ignore you back
but joking aside. There needs to be a split somewhere and we now have the Devices section for those on the installer and Porting for those projects just started or under heavy development. Feel free to ignore either at will
@lakotaubp I invite everybody to create folders at XDA developrs. Everybody is free to create new folders and developer threads there. You only have to make a defined number of contributions there. There is no one who dictates other rules there.
@peter-gamma Its different for XDA: Everybody knows that on XDa the community is a fair mix of official and unofficial stuff, with probably more "home-brew" stuff so people wont blame XDA for a non-working ROM right?
XDA community is supporting a vast amount of different Android ROMS, and its up to you what you choose. You are responsible all by yourself.
However, on Ubuntu Touch its a bit different: The community expects basically that whaever we publish is working very well, as our old devices have a good record of being fully usable as daily drivers, at least from the porting point of view. Putting a device into a) devices page, b) installer, c) forum gives it a look of being an officially supported device, and so we want to ensure minimal functionality at last, to not scare away people with semi-finished ports that will never get complete.
So for a porter the motivation should be: If you try hard to get your device at least working to 90% or so, you can get into the installer. We list you on the devices page with "experimental, wip, community device" mark if you are not quite there.
But for the forum? Well its a bit difficult, I agree. We could add all devices "just so", without putting any rules. But I really think that would create a ton of subforums with no traffic, until a device gets more popular, and so its really not worth.
XDA is used by thousands of people daily, we might have a few hundreds. So also from traffic perspecitve I dont think that is really needed.
What about the f(x)tec pro1 / f(x)tec pro1x? Also anyone knows the development state? can't find much except some youtube videos.
@nakele Well its mostly developed by fxtec, not by us. You need to ask them.
Xiaomi Mi A3 (laurel_sprout)
@sanath-usk-0 Work in progress:
Lenovo P11 Pro
@bradley said in Wish list for other devices in the device subfolders:
Lenovo P11 Pro
Why would it need a forum subsection? Is there a port for it, or is one being worked on?
@bradley @Moem is perfectly correct only ports that are advanced will get there own sub-Forum. From now on anything else will be moved to OT or deleted as with random requests for devices to be ported.
Besides this thread. I would suggest that as pretty much happens now when a porter or someone else is happy that a device is ready they can make a request in the porting thread for that device or under a specific manufacturers existing sub-Forum. If @Peter-Gamma is happy with it maybe rename this thread "Requests for a device in the devices subfolder" or such.