Unable to use ADB on Oneplus 3t
Does your device is locked by pin code when you shut screen off, then on back? -
@keneda Yes it has a pin, I attempt to use adb after unlocking my phone
ADB only works in recovery. MTP should work iirc or use ssh https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/search.html?q=ssh&check_keywords=yes&area=default
BTW i forgot to ask, why/what for do you need adb access?
@keneda It provides quicker shell access than SSH since it doesn't rely on the local network's strength. SSH appears to have a little lag
OK, i understand. I don't know why your device is unauthorized, your phone has a pin, dev enabled and in recovery (and for sure i assume bootloader is unlocked), PC adb drivers and terminal installed, that should work (use USB2 not 3, and good data usb cable). -
You can check with UT Tweak Tools from open store, in "system" setting tab, "usb settings" "ADB parameter" to see if it is in MTP.
@keneda I checked it is in MTP mode. I found someone from 2019 who was in a similar situation:
I suppose I'll use SSH for now, but I really appreciate the help! -
Maybe someone will know where the unothorized issue come from.
Sad i can't help you further. -
@shearflux said in Unable to use ADB on Oneplus 3t:
List of devices attached
57489492 unauthorizedFor the sake of help, i tried a last thing, i qwanted your problem, and got a ping, see :
https://honeywellaidc.force.com/supportppr/s/article/How-to-fix-adb-devices-shows-unauthorized-devicePossible solutions if "adb devices" shows a device as "unauthorized":
C:\Users\JohnDoo>adb devices
List of devices attached
17310D821D unauthorized
_- Disconnect USB between PC and device
- Stop adb server by entering "adb kill-server" in command window
- On device use "Revoke USB debugging authorizations" in "Developer Options"
- On PC delete "adbkey" file in user directory, for example "C:\Users\JohnDoo.android"
- Reconnect the device to the PC
- Open a command window and enter "adb devices". Watch the device's screen for any Authorization message and allow the connection.
The device should now show as "device":
C:\Users\JohnDoo>adb devices
List of devices attached
17310D821D device
If the above does not help, re-installing adb and or USB drivers may help.You can revoke USB debugging authorization with UTTT like you probably saw.
Now i must go to work, hoping you succeed ^^
I am not sure if the 3t has this same issue but the 6t does not have working ADB and you have to use ssh to manipulate the device folders. I can not help other than suggesting to look into it.
ADB only works during the installing process that is the only time I have seen it work (this is the same on a few devices now). Other than that I can/have transferred files back and forth between phone and laptop via usb. I have tried ssh but get a syntax error and need to look into it further from my side.
You do have to keep switching Dev mode on after reboots and restarting but I mention that just in passing. -
@keneda Sorry for the delay, but I tried the instructions above to no avail
. My feeling is that it's related to the authorization pop-up just for some reason not popping up.
@lakotaubp ADB seems to be the method of choice during any tutorials on various things. I also had it working on my 3t in the past, i'm just not sure why its not working anymore