After using podbird for quite a while now, i've noticed that i have around 6Gb worth of podcasts in the app.
I'd like to remove most of them, but i can't find the location where podbird stores them.Does anybody know where they are stored in the filesystem? (Besides removing them in the app themselves)
Thanks for the help!
Hi @jimpson
It should be in ~/.local/share/<podbird directory name> or maybe in ~/.cache/<podbird directory name>
The name is the one specified as identifier for the app it should have podbird in itAnd I moved this to the general support as it is not restricted to the Vollaphone.
@Jimpson ,
for me it was in ~/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/com.mikeasoft.podbirdbut if its not there, try using the du command to search for large directories. I started from the very top at ~ and started using this:
du -d 1 --block==1G
^this command shows the size of each directory/file in ur current location in terms of gigabytes. podbird should be up there in size, so just start working ur way down