Telegram Notification
I try to use telegram. I add my ubuntu one account, but i don't get a notification on a new message.
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
I'm on stable with ota2.
@Einstein212 You mean you subscribed your mobile number? Send me as PM your number and I will write you a tg to test. In general, notification is very unreliable, while tg messaging works fine.
@guru Thanks for your quick answer. I don't know how pm works.
Messeging works well. But i see new message only if i wake up the phone and open telegram. -
I had to enable notifications from Telegram settings, it was disabled by default.
@HendriXXX yes it asked me many times to enable. Yesterday i made a ubuntu one account and enabled this function now.
It is good that you have your notifications working correctly now. I have not had trouble with getting the notifications through, for me it is getting them to go when I have read them, that is the issue for me. Also if I turn my phone on at the end of the day, after using my android one all day, I get all my days telegram messages through. Even the ones I have already viewed.
@UKPhil No, my notification is not working. That's my problem.
@Einstein212 oh I see, I read your last reply as you had enabled/fixed it. Have you enabled the notifications in your settings?
@UKPhil yes, it is enabled. But nothing changed.
I try uninstall and reinstall telegram, but don't work.
@Einstein212 So you have notifications set on in your Settings and you have notifications also set on in Telegram. Have you get them activated for the individual chats? In the chat window click on the person icon in the top right and see what their notifications are set too.
If this does not work I would go to GitHub and log an issue for it. It will not solve your immediate issue but hopefully it will be addressed at some point.
@UKPhil thanks a lot for your fast answer. I don't know it is possible to setup notification sperat for each chat.
I checked it and it was enabled.Is there anything i need to activat in the ubuntu one account?
I have had a look in settings and there is nothing there. I am not aware of any website that you can log into to see your Ubuntu One account details.
Restart your device. That often helps for me.
@RandomUser Does your device run Windows? Sorry, could not resist
@RandomUser my devices crashed in the morning by using telegram. So i did a restart. But nothing changed. I don't get notifications
I had the same problem, to fix it, logout from your Ubuntu One account, delete it from Ubuntu web, uninstall Telegram, delete /home/phablet/.config/com.ubuntu.telegram and /home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram
Now, reinstall Telegram login with a new Ubuntu user account and it should work.
I just did it.
@uzanto i try it two times, with no success. any other idea?
@Einstein212 Did you delete the account completely from canonical server? or just logged out from your device?
Check in telegram settings if the notifications are enabled, because you can have it enabled on UBports system but not in telegram itself.
@uzanto i delete it here ubuntu one
notification is in telegram enabled and also in the system settings
@uzanto said in Telegram Notification:
I remember this being an issue before and being discussed on the Ask Ubuntu site. To be able to find the folder above, you have to enable "show hidden filesโ in File Manager. The process you detailed worked above for some user and I remember it working for me.