Stuck at "Long swipe from the left edge to open the Application Drawer"
I've just installed the image from to a 64GB MicroSD card, and during the first boot it started showing what looks like an instructional app to teach me what the device is capable of.
However, it's stuck at "Long swipe from the left edge to open the Application Drawer", and no amount of tapping of swiping appears to help. Even rebooting just brings back the instructional app, with no obvious way to continue.
I tried plugging in a USB keyboard, to see if there were some keyboard shortcuts I could use to close the instructional app or launch something else, but it appears that the keyboard is not recognised (I couldn't use the USB keyboard to unlock the phone at the passphrase prompt).
How do I skip this instructional app and get to the rest of Ubuntu Touch?
I have the same issue.
My workaround is to lock the phone, wait a couple of minutes ands unlock it... -
swiping left to right ,didnt they remove that. and then "maybe"not from the demo ? -
@Marathon2422 No. Swiping from left edge to open launcher and drawer is still a thing. However, there was an issue with the fix to the tutorial to ensure it gets played correctly, which is now fixed in git, and should be in tomorrow's image.
Swipe from left to right shows the drawer.
Why would it be removed ?The same appears from swipe from the top down and I did the same to get rid of it.
Once done you can reboot and it doesn't show up again. -
Not sure if this is still an issue, but a "work around" to not get prompted (if you have access to the filesystem) for tutorial swipes is to edit this file:
/var/lib/AccountsService/users/phablet (or whatever username file is there)
And add the missing elements to the DemoEdgesCompleted variable until it is like this:
DemoEdgesCompleted=[‘left’, ‘top’, ‘right’, ‘left-long’]
Thanks @rik
On the recent images the bug has been fixed. -
Hello everybody
This is still an old post, but I got the same problem here with a fairphone 2. The display has a small scratch, so in my case it could be a hardware issue. But still the display is working fine with android. Is there a way to avoid this introduction or message? It seems, that i have no access to the file system (or I don't know howto). Also Locking, wait a few minutes an unlocking again did not help. Also reboot has no effect. Would be nice to have some "skip-Button" for future releases. A pity that this function blocks my phone now.
The "Long swipe from the left edge to open the Application Drawer" is doable from any part of the screen top to bottom, so a little scratch should not be a problem. -
@keneda hmm.. so not the scratch. I thougt the Fairphone2 is for sure a phone were many peoble would have had and solved the same problem. But actually this ist the only forum I found with information about this problem.
Is there a way tho access the rootfs through usb? -
@metty i'm not sure for rootfs, but maybe with adb or ssh.
@keneda Back again: I replaced the display with another fair-phone which had a broken electronic, but a display who was still fine. Still without cover I was able to swipe. Now I do not know, if it really was the display or the fact, that the cover border may influence the display sensor a little bit. So my problem with the "long swipe" seems to be solved. Thanks to everyone who helps improving ubuntu touch!
Oh, you had a cover... Yes covers can block swipping from edges, it would have been usefull for us to help you to tell it from the beginningIf you want to use this kind of covers you can use Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool from openstore to tweak edge zones.
@keneda Oh, words are always so ambiguous :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: Without Cover:
With Cover:
The scratch is also visible...