Fairphone 3+ vs Volla Phone vs ?????
@adlinux Hi, for the FP3+ the main issues are:
- mobile data does not work at all
- cellular network (phone, sms) is somehow connected to WiFi
I am not really sure yet, what the main reason is:- either it only depends on the activated wifi-toggle
- or it needs an active data connection
Anyway, in most situations, If I am not at home and there is no WiFi, I miss calls and can't do calls.
- video recording does not work yet, but that's low priority compared to call/sms issues
@stanwood Thanks for clearing up my confusion to do with on-line and off-line charging. I hadn't even considered that a phone wouldn't be able to charge when turned off!
As for the Xiaomi; I am really tempted by these phones and have looked at them before. From a hardware perspective they look great, the big killer for me is how I would need to go about unlocking the bootloader.
Here's where I might be getting a bit tin foil hat-ish; I simply do not trust giving Xiaomi any of my data whatsoever. So, do you know if it is at all possible to unlock the bootloader without creating a Mi account? If I can't then I'll have to pass on the Xiaomi's even if their phones do look really good.
@domubpkm Thanks! I've taken you're advice and have posted a question about this in the Volla Phone thread!
@luksus That's a shame, the FP3+ looks like such a cool phone.
I'll be keeping an eye out for updates to it though as I would love to try out the phone when the Ubuntu Touch port for it is more ready.
Metoo, i would be interested in FP3(+) when my FP2 breaks
Having taken everyone's comments and advice into account (thank you very much to everyone who has been helping me), and having ran a Mastodon poll (for the hell of it) I have just ordered myself a phone to run Ubuntu Touch on as a daily driver!
And the winning phone is drum roll................ the Volla Phone!
@adlinux Good device totally usable in everyday life. I had a hard time activating the internet first and then the mms (french APNs) but it is ok now
I wish you a good an easier start up.
@tommiedom same for me!
Apologies for bumping an old thread, but I was interested in the discussion: I really like the idea of UBports, and I've been looking at the Volla Phone as well
@adlinux I wondered if you'd received your Volla Phone yet - if you don't mind me asking - and if so what your impressions were...?
Thank you.
@scoobie Sorry for the late reply (busy). I've used it for around a month now and I'm mostly very happy with it.
It does have an issue with the volume rocker not actually changing the volume. Although since OTA18 it can now mute the audio lol.
Other than that, I'm happy with my choice
@adlinux - your volume rocker issue sounds like it might be a hardware problem specific to your phone as I have never had an issue like that on my Volla. You might try to bring it to Hallo Welt System;s attention to see if they warrant against that defect.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@adlinux said in Fairphone 3+ vs Volla Phone vs ?????:
the volume rocker not actually changing the volume
I have never had this problem for any use. Can you be more specific about your problem and say for which uses you can't change the volume?
Have you tried to reflash your smartphone completely using the installer? -
@totalsonic Oh God I hope not. I might have to consider trying to flash VollaOS to the phone to see if it has the same issue. I'd rather not have to if it can be avoided though.
@domubpkm Sure, I've made a thread about it now where I go into more specifics:
@adlinux Yes. First, i advise you again to reflash your phone using the ubports installer. Only DON'T CHECK 'wipe user data'. it will cost you less than 500 mb and you will start with a clean installation.
This is a basic check if any malfunction should follow from one installation to another. This method has often helped me. -
@domubpkm I'll either be trying this or trying Volla OS when I have time to see if it's the phone or the OS. Thanks for the help
@adlinux Less than 20 min for UT if you have a good Internet. Could be not so easy for Volla OS.
@domubpkm Re-flashed UT, unfortunately despite unchecking the 'wipe user data' box, it went ahead and wiped my data anyway.
However, the volume issue seems to be fixed. How strange, I wonder what had caused it in the first place. I am still considering giving Volla OS a go though, just to try both options (I'm not too much of a fan of Sailfish OS, so I doubt I'll be putting that on the phone lol).
@adlinux To not loose your data you have to also uncheck "bootstrap partitionβ.
Anyway, it's good that you could fix your volume issue.
@stanwood said in Fairphone 3+ vs Volla Phone vs ?????:
To not loose your data you have to also uncheck "bootstrap partition
Are you sure it is always the case ?
If it was always the case, the box ''bootstrap partition'' should automatically be unchecked when unchecking ''wipe user data'' I think, not manually.
I didn't uncheck ''bootstrap partition'' and i didn't loosed my data with my Volla.