Smartwatch sync app
Currently I am working with a PineTime with InfiniTime installed.
This is actually my first attempt to write an app that communicates with smartwatches, so I have no idea how the communication usually happens between the watch and the phone/computer.
As long as the device is using BLE some form of communication should be possible at least.
I was also looking into ways to communicate with wearOS watches and Fitbit devices.
I haven't put a lot of thoughts into them yet though... -
@jiho just received my pinetime, and just want to express my hopes and enthusiasm for your work!
I'm waiting to have a companion app for pinetime :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Looks like the gitlab links are broken or you have a closed profile. I hope you have sucess with the app. I'll keep an eye here -
I use Rockwork myself, which works with Pebble watches, and I can confirm that having a good app that allows using a smartwatch on UT is all kinds of awesome.
Keep on keeping on, you will certainly help make UT more popular! -
@josuƩ thank you very much!
I don't know what's wrong with the links... I made them publicly available. Please try that one: too hope that I'll be able to create an app that is actually usable. It is my very first QML app (and Open Source project), so I'll see how it goes.
Very good work.
You have my respect.
At the moment I am using Sailfish OS. There is the app (in open repos) Amazfish.
PineTime is also being developed there.
Maybe you can get help there if you need it. Maybe Amazfit devices would also be interesting for you. -
@jiho It already works. Thanks!
@ohnez I would love to be able to support Amazfit devices! Unfortunately I don't have one so I either need help here or I might get one later.
@magnargj Thanks! If you'd like to try it out, the CI in gitlab should work now.
@jiho Fantastic! Thanks. I was able to install the click package sucessfully, but the app seems to struggle with pairing with the watch. I suspect something is wrong with the bluetooth functionality of the phone. I'm investigating eagerly...
@magnargj Which firmware version is currently installed on your PineTime? I also have troubles connecting to a PineTime with InfiniTime 1.3.0. Neither the system settings nor my app are able to connect.
@jiho it's 1.3.0. And I manage to connect to other bluetooth devices such as my wife's headphones... So, I think there might be the firmware... It works with my pinephone and siglo... Curtently waiting for the battery to drain sice I managed to send it into a never ending bootloop yesterday
@jiho Have a PineTime on the way now so will give this a try when it arrives.
@lakotaubp Did you get any luck?
I have a Pixel 3a Ubuntu Touch and I am very interested in getting a pinetime as a smartwatch when its finished or workable!
@bradman1171 Only just dispatched from China.S o still waiting.
@lakotaubp Very nice!
Be aware though that UT does not seem to be able to connect, if the firmware version 1.3.0 is installed.Many things are not yet implemented, but I am getting there. OTA support and notifications will probably be the next things I'm going to implement.
Hey @jiho ! Which firmware version do you use? I guess 1.2 is second best, when 1.3 doesn't work?
@jiho Are you willing to take pull requests? I was actually thinking about trying to make my own version of this app but then I found out you're already pretty far in! I have an PineTime and Pixel 3a with UT, and I also have a lot of experience with C++.
@heyspencerb Absolutely! I'd love to see contributions!
Though I am not using C++ but rather python -
@magnargj Hey! Yeah I am currently using 1.2