Smartwatch sync app
@jiho thanks
@jiho Ah, I see! I'm less familiar but for my job I've had to write a lot of python this month as well so I will take a look! Probably for the best in terms of getting something working as soon as possible.
Have you looked at the InfiniTime source code to try and see what they changed from version 1.2 to 1.3? You said the issue now is Bluetooth won't connect?
@heyspencerb I didn't look at the InfiniTime source code yet, so I don't know what exactly they changed. The authentication process is being cancelled during the attempt to connect.
@jiho Ok, that sounds like a good spot for me to start. I will see if I can find the part that might have changed in the connection process.
@jiho Hey, so as a first step I wanted to re-create the issue you had so I installed infinitime 1.30 and then tried to connect and I had no issues at all. The watch connected first try, the time was set correctly to the phone's time and my heart rate data is syncing perfectly.
Maybe there is an issue with your install of 1.3? If I'm just the only lucky one then let me know and I can look over InfiniTime again but I also compared the releases and there didn't seem to be any updates to the connectivity added, only cosmetic and new features.
Since 1.30 is working for me I think I'll switch gears to notifications instead, let me know if you are having trouble with 1.30 still
@heyspencerb hmm, I'm not succeeding with 1.2.0 either. I wonder if it is phone dependent?
@heyspencerb When I tested it fail also for me. Looking at logs give me an error related to "heart rate". After starting the sensor in the watch (go to heart app and click on play), uwatch started to work!! I think there is a null for heart rate if you never start it since the last reboot of watch. And uwatch don't handle this case or something like that.
@jiho thanks for this app it's amazing
Please don't stop your good work, we need a companion app for pinetime so much!
Ooo this looks interesting, I would love to test this with my Galaxy Watch 3.
I am just not able to build/develop for now. I will keep my eye on this -
@manland @magnargj Interesting, in case you want to try and recreate, here were my exact steps:
- Load InfiniTime version 1.20 on the watch
- Connect the app to the watch
- Disconnect the app
- Load InfiniTime version 1.30 on the watch
- Open the app again and click add a new watch, and add the watch
Just now when I went to connect the watch again I was getting "pair unsuccessful" so I restarted the watch then tried again. When I tried again it paired on the second attempt and immidatly updated the time on the watch. The Bluetooth logo appeared on the watch and then my heart rate and steps data is updating well in real-time.
@heyspencerb how do you restart the watch?
@magnargj forget it, just holding the button for 10 seconds
Hi! I'm JF002, the creator of InfiniTime! I received a PM about this app, and I have to say I'm really happy to know that a companion app is being developed for UBPorts, and to see so many PineTime users in this community!
I see that many of you experience issues connecting the watch to the phone. We are aware of issues around BLE connectivity in InfiniTime: unexpected disconnections and difficulties to pair the watch to the phone are the most common. What are currently trying to analyze those issues, but debugging BLE is really not easy. You can follow our discussions here, or join us in the PineTime chat rooms (you'll find the link on the pine64 website.
Until we find fixes for these issues, the best workaround is to reset the watch (keep the button pushed for ~10s). BLE should be working again after the reboot.
Let me know if I can be of any help with this project! I'll also probably try this app soon on my PinePhone
@jf002 Hi JF002! Thank you for creating InfiniTime. Using the PineTime with InfiniTime actually pushed me to try my hands on my first ever QML app. I got the opportunity to learn so much and of course I am still learning and experimenting.
I am always happy to receive feedback and help especially with the BLE part, as I am sure, I am doing many things wrong or at least not the best way.
Would it work with a Huawei band 4 watch? I'd love to try this!!
@rebecca58 should work on any phone with ubuntu touch
@rebecca58 said in Smartwatch sync app:
Would it work with a Huawei band 4 watch? I'd love to try this!!
From my understanding this app will NOT work with watches running Wear (Android/Google), Harmony (Huawei) or Tizen (Samsung) OS's.
@jiho PineTime here updated to InfiniTime 1.4.0 and has bootloader 1.0.0. Tested it with android for connection etc What do I need to do to get your app running on PinePhone UT ce. Is it a staraight forward download or a bit more involved. Sorry but still not very good with apps that are in early stages and stuff.
@lakotaubp It should be enough to just install the app and then add the device.
You don't have to pair the device through the app, in case you have issues pairing, you can also use system settings. If you did that, you'll just have to add the PineTime to the app. It'll tell you that it will try to pair with InfiniTime but it will recognize that it was previously paired and will just add it to the list. -
@jiho This might seem like a daft question but what exactly am I looking for to download. I can see zip and such files for downloading source code but nothing that to me screams .click or such. As I said not very good at early stage stuff all those files confuse me.