No flash on Fairphone 2 camera.
@moem Ah, that's good to know. Thanks.
@moem I did that. The torch still doesn't work. Now, the camera doesn't work - it just shows a black screen.
@opolork Sorry to hear that! Well, it was worth a try.
@moem Absolutely. I wonder if there's any other steps I should take? Maybe try another update channel or just go back to the original channel I was on?
I uninstalled and installed the Camera & Torch apps to see if that would help - no joy.
@opolork I don't think anything you can do will help.
Hello, after moving to the halium devel channel you need to do a wipe re install. Backup your things before! Then the app camera will work and so do the flash. But not the torchlight. You will also experience better performances. I think Flohack is in cjarge of this port and did a very good job. For myself I am back to stable for the only reason that in halium devel the camera app does not name the pics with date and hours but only incremential numbers. Let us know if this works for you!
@redxxiii Hi. You mean I must wipe everything and then have to manually install all my apps again?
@moem Thanks anyway. I just updated to v277. Now when I select power off, my phone reboots instead. It's time to revert to the regular channel, I think.
@opolork yes you go to settings, re initialise, delete and re initialise to do so. It is the same than doing a wipe ibstall from the installer. If you backup and restore your things that should not be too annoying.
@redxxiii Can you elaborate on 'wipe re install'. I selected 'Reinstall all apps' in the Update section. Is that what you are refering to?
@opolork we cross wrote
is my previous message making sense to you? My phone is in French so maybe my translation is not using the exact same word that in your version. Re install all apps is for other purposes, like after major OS update.
@redxxiii I don't see any mention of 'initialise', 'delete' or 'wipe install'.
@opolork ok lets do it a different way
launch the settings app, choose the very last menu ( should be after the about menu), then the second menu. Watch out ! Don t confirm if you are not sure to be ready!
There is this option in the bottom of settings app when you open it. -
@redxxiii Got it!
@keneda 'Reset Launcher' or 'Erase & Reset All'?
@opolork the first is just to put back the launcher to defaults in the case you made too much tweaks on it. The second is the one I talk about. It will wipe all your data and make a fresh install of UT. The install will be based on the current channel you have. So halium-devel in your case.
@redxxiii Damn, that sounds like too much trouble. I think I'll just change the update channel back to stable instead. :disappointed_face:
I don't fancy having to take ages re-setting up everything again.
@opolork ok sure stable is good also