Corona app does not survive a reboot with OTA-20
Has the Volla Phone been vaccinated? -
@moncon Perhaps the booster dose is missing
@domubpkm said in Corona app does not survive a reboot with OTA-20:
Corona app does not survive a reboot with OTA-20
What do you mean about "not surviving" ?
Does the app disapears ? -
yes, desinstalled.
On MX4 no problem, power off/on, reboot, app still there and launching. -
@keneda you are on OTA-20 ? Confirmed on the Volla after a full clean (cache, config, data) and reinstalled the app. Maybe halium 9 issue with this app and OTA-20 or only some devices.
Yes OTA 20, didn't updated my signature... -
I consider this to be a good thing!
Don't believe the things that the corrupt media and governments are telling you!
Hello. I like the effort the developer has put into building this app which is very useful for those who want to use it. There is no analysis of what is said and supposed to be true or false about the Corona. The only purpose of this topic is to identify the problem (if it is possible) with the app. Yes, only a little humour can be welcome. Thank you.
@domubpkm This is the same behavior I had after installing an app I was working on via Clickable.
I don't suppose that might be the case with you?
No problem here with Corona App and OTA 20 on Volla phone!
@knalli73 ...nor on the Xiaomi Mi A 2
@arubislander Maybe the app must be (isn't) compiled with clickable 7.0 ? I don't know.
For my part, i tested different things : the click of the website installed by UTT, by the Openstore; installation directly by the Openstore; uninstallation of some new app to eliminate some supposed conflicts. Nothing happens, the Corona click disappears after reboot. Only this .click that does this to me since OTA-20 on the Volla.
Weird... -
@keneda Yes, but it doesn't matter
I'll reinstall the .click downloaded from the site if necessary. Maybe the developer (arnef) we'll know why.
@domubpkm said in Corona app does not survive a reboot with OTA-20:
@arubislander Maybe the app must be (isn't) compiled with clickable 7.0 ? I don't know.
No, that shouldn't matter. Once the app is uploaded to the OpenStore it is irrelevant how it was packaged as a click.
@knalli73 @messayisto .click still there when you reboot the phone ?
@domubpkm if you mean if Corona app still present and fully functional then the answer is yes
@domubpkm same on my device as far as I can see