Guide: SMS and MMS fixes for North America Carriers
@rik Ah sounds good! Yeah I did a fresh devel install and updated the version and just configured the APN based on a ubports forum i found and it worked! The tmobile APN settings dont seem to work but the USmobile fixed my tmobile problems.
My configuration is on my first post but ill leave this here -
Tmobile Carrier
Pixel 3a
Reset all APN settings
username: blank
password: blank
Tmobile MMS
APN: pwg
Everything below blank -
@rik said in Guide: SMS and MMS fixes for North America Carriers:
possible to get reliable SMS and MMS (only on wifi right now)
@rik said in Guide: SMS and MMS fixes for North America Carriers:
Again, at this time, MMS send and receive only work with wifi disabled.
Something's unclear there.
@keneda wifi must be off to recieve and send MMS (images) it will notify an error when recieving if your wifi is on. Text do come through and go with wifi on.
That's not a question i asked, but thanks anyway ^^ -
@keneda typo fixed.
yes it is only with wifi DISABLED that mms is working. WIth wifi on UT doesn't know to send / receive MMS over cellular since wifi is preferred.
Unbelievable! I have an OP6 and could not get MMS to work. I tried various Tello ASN settings, T-mobile settings, Wifi on/off, Roaming on/off but all failed. I then tried the settings provided in this link ( for US Mobile that @rik provided and bing-badda-boom, it works. Yes, Wifi must be off but roaming does not need to be on. Personally I think the wifi off options is unpractical but I am hoping someone will fix this eventually.
I have a Pixel 3a on the dev channel with Red Pocket GSMA in the USA.
MMS works both in and out ONLY when the WiFi is ON.
If I turn the WiFi off, I can't receive MMS, but I can send it.
I've tested this a number of times. I don't know if it is just intermittent or really depends on WiFi. I will try sometime when I'm away from home so that the WiFi is on but I'm not getting data over it.
@lsitongia When you get a chance could you please post your APN settings so we can understand better?
@rik, thanks for your reply.
I also have a support thread in this forum about this. No one else seems to report this behavior. I hope it is a matter of the APN settings.
In the following, the name give is the name I put in to replace the two entries that were in the APN settings when I first put the card in.
Red Pocket
InternetUsed for: Internet
Name: Red Pocket
MMSUsed for: MMS
Name: Red Pocket
Proxy port: 80 -
@lsitongia By having 2 APN entries with the same APN value it will not work: UT will get (and stay) confused that way. You need different values for both of them. What we with T-Mobile / US Mobile (reseller) are doing is using the T-Mobile "Internet" APN ( and the US Mobile / mvno APN entry for MMS: pwg.
Since yours are both ERESELLER it will confuse things. So for you to get it working you need to put a different value in your APN for internet (get the "stock" ATT one for example and see if cellular data still works).
Hopefully in the near future the patch to allow combined contexts (so you can have 1 APN entry for "Internet + MMS") will work, here is the conversation on that one:
I don't know what to say about how it IS working for you with wifi on, that is a positive surprise!
Lastly, about Group MMS being received as indivdual messages, I only recently learned myself how to "properly" create a Group MMS in UT: you don't do it by adding separate numbers in the "to" field in the new message screen. Instead you click the "group people icon" to the far right, then add people there. It will display "New MMS Group". So please do test doing that, then test again sending group MMS to those people. Hopefully they are willing to put up with you while you send and have them reply to test messages
@rik thanks.
If I just make up names for the APN: string, it doesn't work. I thought I'd tried that before and decided that the string was arbitrary. So, I can't make up my own.
I found a forum post where someone used the string "PRODATA" for APN: for both Internet and MSS, so I tried PRODATA for Internet and ERESELLER for MMS, and both work. I don't know about group text or group MMS yet (have to wait for a chance to test that in one of the groups I'm in).
I do use the method you describe to create the group.
@lsitongia OK that is some progress, with the PRODATA for Internet APN entry. There are some MMS patches getting made as we speak, they are being targeted for OTA-21.
Again, the
ofono 28
linked above for a "combined APN" (for "Internet + MMS") isn't quite ready but will further improve things when it gets in: I am currently using it and it works well (I can get MMS on 3G now, couldn't before with separate APN for MMS and Internet), but it will reset APN entries often (so I needed to edit the "defaults" so when they are deleted and reset they are still correct) so there are some bugs / blockers. Defaults come from/usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml