Bricked Volla X Phone
The reset got as far as 7% (with a little red icon to the right that I couldn't see because of the rounded corners on the Vollas) and then rebooted to a UT splash screen. This was after about half an hour from starting the factory reset. I was then able to configure my settings on my "new" phone and start it up.
A quick check for updates and now back to the latest version of UT.
Now I just need to try and get some of my data back onto the phone.
Many thanks for posting the links Lakotaubp! Also thanks to Nero355 for the offer of sorting out getting the phone back to Germany.
What a community - thanks everyone!
@ian Pleased that you are sorted and hope you can now enjoy UT on your Volla to the full. You know where we are if needed and remember you are part of the community too.
In the spirit of never throw anything away (you never know when you may need it) I still have a 1.5G image for Ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop in my downloads folder if you want to have a go at getting SP Flash tool going under linux.
@ian said in Bricked Volla X Phone:
In the spirit of never throw anything away (you never know when you may need it) I still have a 1.5G image for Ubuntu 16.04.1 desktop in my downloads folder if you want to have a go at getting SP Flash tool going under linux.
:thumbs_up_light_skin_tone: :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:
Please upload it somewhere convenient and let me know the URL via PM/DM or whatever it's called on this forum
@nero355 You should have a chat message from me with a link to the .iso file on Dropbox.
Hi all, sorry to keep this old thread going but you guys seem to be helpful (again many thanks for your help). I thought it might be useful to keep this thread going rather than starting a new one to keep all the info together.
Now that the UT for the Volla Phone X is based on Halium 10 as of OTA-22 how would you go about unbricking a VPX?
The scatter file provided above was for Halium 9. Is there one for Halium 10? Should we use the file above (based on 9) and if so how do we move forward to Halium 10? Does the UT installer take care of this or do we need to install OTA-22 again before moving forward? How do we get hold of OTA-22?
Any ideas?
@ian Also try asking here
@ian Also will not using the installer work? The Volla X is there. Just don't check the wipe data option.
@lakotaubp The question was asked out of curiosity. How do I get back from the void now the rules have changed? I'm not there yet but I am teetering on the edge and thought I would ask the question in case things go wrong.... again.
My VPX is refusing to upgrade to OTA-23 leaving me stuck on OTA-22. Stuck at the UBports recovery screen. Rebooting gets my phone working. I tried using the installer with no wipe and no partition but that fails due to 'not enough room on target device' for some but not all files. I have started a thread about that under VPX in case I am not alone with that.
@ian Ok sorry thought you were in the hole already.
@lakotaubp Just checking my lifelines.
@ian Always a good policy
@lakotaubp Sorted. The phone was not booting to recovery mode by pressing vol down and power. So tricked it by failing the upgrade from settings which took me to the recovery screen. The installer worked from there with wipe data and reflash partitions not selected. Data intact, now at OTA-23 and happy again
Would the 'un-brick' my Volla X route be to go back to the stock software given above (on halium9) and then install the latest OTA from the installer with the 'flash partition' option selected?
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