Problem installing OTA-23
Got the notification through the other day that OTA-23 was available. Went into Settings -> Updates and downloaded it. When I click on install I get the option to Restart and Install. Clicking on this the phone goes to the Volla Splash screen and then UBports Recovery. At the bottom of the page it says "Halium 9" - Didn't the VPX go up to Halium 10 at OTA-22? I seem to remember it reflashing the partition as part of the upgrade (which worked OK). The Reboot option stands the phone back up.... but still at OTA-22.
Having bricked this phone before and lost all my data I backed up /home/phablet.
I then had several attempts at re-installing UT using the UBports installer (0.9.5 beta) from a PC running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS all of which failed.
First problem was "booting to recovery" which appeared to be stuck. Unplugged USB and re-inserted. This got things going again. The files were downloaded and checked and then pushed to the device resulting in a "Yikes" that reported not enough room on the target device, but only for some of the files whereas others were OK.Any help would be appreciated. Anyone else seeing this or did your VPXs upgrade OK?
@ian I updated my Volla on day one when OTA-23 was available and the update installed without any problems, like all the other OTAs before.
@kristatos It is good to know that the system works! Now if only I can figure out why it isn't working for me.
@kristatos was this a regular Volla or a Volla X?
@arubislander Regular Vollaphone, no Vollaphone X
@ian Exactly the same problem on VPX as you have described.
I was never successful re-installing UT with UBports installer (0.9.5 beta) on Fedora 33. -
@detrminant And then there were two.
Anybody else with (or without) this problem on VPX?
I will be away working all week and I need my phone to work. I'll have anoher look at it next weekend, see if I can clear some space in the folder. I just hope I don't delete anything important!
@detrminant Had another go. This time the installer prompted me to boot to recovery mode by presing vol down and power. Held them both in for over a minute and nothing happened. When I let go the phone restarted.
Hang on recovery mode? Hmmmm. Went into settings and selected updates. The download was still there so selected install.... My initial problem prevaled and the phone booted to recovery mode! The installer sprang into life and OTA-23 was installed OK. I had made sure that wipe data and reflash partitions were not selected. All my data was intact.
Worked for me. Let me know how you get on. If you get it to go as well I will mark this as solved.
@detrminant Did you manage to update?
I managed to upgrade my Volla Phone X to OTA-23 with this workaround:
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