Call Forwarding for numbers not in your contacts
Good day friends. I am seeking for somebody that can create a feature for this OS. On Apple phones, there is a feature which sends unknown numbers straight to your voicemail, and also silences text messages from unknown numbers and puts them in a separate folder. Having a phone number in your contacts adds it to a whitelist.
This OS is almost perfect for my needs, but the feature to send unknown numbers straight to voicemail would be very nice for my needs. At the moment, there is a feature in this OS (Call forwarding -> Forward every incoming call) that can send all incoming calls to voicemail, so to my knowledge it shouldn't be difficult to make it so that there is a whitelist on who can call and who gets sent to voicemail.
As for the silencing text messages from unknown numbers, do you have any input on how this could be done?
Thank you for your time.
applesmapple -
There is no official way for doing such things for now.
But this topic has already been raised multiple time.
Check there :First of all we have @klh that is willing to implement this feature native
Just use this topic to support his work, not to ask for progress update.
Then you have @Br1 workaround, let's call it a hack, that will not survive an OTA update and that you must do knowing what you do, but it works for call blocking.
Please read carefully all the thread before doing anything if you want to use this hack. there is a propietary app (most likelly UNCONFINED) that is available OUTSIDE open store, and costs 10ā¬ (wich is not a problem in itself) for each phone you want to install on (you change phone, you can't migrate app, IMEI paired)
But like said, it is proprietary and outside openstore, and we don't even know who is deving it, wich is a lot to trust...
And i think for now this app no longer works since OTA-21 but work is in progress to fix.As for me, i would say that waiting for @klh community member to achieve, "open sourcly", this feature instead of trusting an unknown dev out there would be the best way, and in mean time, the @Br1 hack is the best workaround.
@keneda Thank you Keneda. I have shown my support and recommendations to klh.
@keneda said in Call Forwarding for numbers not in your contacts:
And i think for now this app no longer works since OTA-21 but work is in progress to fix.
I confirm that the app works very well until OTA-23 and that it is completely up to date
(never had the sms blocking feature though).
I based my comment on one of yours :
"Update : currently, F-CALL call blocker doesn't work due to some changes brought by OTA-21. F-CALL team is working on an update."And, i quote the actuall fcall site : "Project is SUSPENDED temporarily"
Didn't know that update was made.
@keneda said in Call Forwarding for numbers not in your contacts:
" Project is SUSPENDED temporarily"
Where do you see this ?
@domubpkm on their site
@keneda please the link, i don't see
@domubpkm ok i found
@keneda You can check, all is fixed now.