MMS status on the OnePlus 5 (cheeseburger)
Hey UT OP5 users,
I have Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5, and attempted to use it on my OP5 at a few points, but could never get MMS to work. I am in a situation where I now have two OP5s to use. I'm going to use one to figure out how to get MMS working on UT first before I daily drive.
Any pointers anyone can give? The last few posts looking into MMS in general look really dated. I can't seem to find where the current progress is, and how I can test anything (if it isn't in the main OTA anywho). Any pointers?
Do you have MMS working on N5 ?Do you have last OTA (23) on both N5 and OP5 ?
Device page related to OP 5 shows MMS working, so maybe take a look close to APN settings ?
Hi dissidenttux,
I struggled with MMS on OP5, where it had always just worked on my OP1, but I've got it working now, albeit with intermittent outages.
On OP1 I could have a single APN setting for Internet And MMS. It was detected automatically upon putting in my SIM card, and worked from the start. Not so on OP5.For me, the answer was to find separate APNs for MMS and cellular internet. My impression is that this is often necessary on many phones running UT, though I don't know about Nexus 5. For me, before setting up two different APNs, MMS could work if cellular internet was turned off, but not MMS and internet simultaneously. It took some real searching to find a second APN for my service provider, but I did eventually.
(in case it's ever of use to anyone, for Public Mobile in Canada, is my internet APN, and is my MMS)Editing APNs is done under Settings -> Cellular -> Carrier & APN -> APN. Then maybe you click the + sign in the upper right corner to add a second and set them up one as internet, one as MMS.
Even so, it stops working without notice once in a while for me (on average maybe every ten days). I have a weird process that fixes it, some of which is probably unnecessary/superstition: I change my MMS APN to something incorrect, disable MMS, restart phone, correct the MMS APN, enable MMS again, restart phone again, and then it works.
It helped when I realized I could text photos to myself to see whether or not MMS was working. I get a never-ending scrolling circle when they're not working.Group texts don't work, or at least mostly not. I think this is a broader UT issue though, independent of which phone is used. I have had some luck with group texts if I start that precise group. At least that's something that doesn't always work between some iOS and android phones, so people aren't expecting that the messages should always go through.
Broadcast texts are fine for me.Good luck!
I'm also using a OP5 since a few months and I also have MMS issues. In my case, MMS have an unknown status, and aren't sent. The worst is that it comes and goes and you never know if the device will receive MMS or not.
My trick to fix it is to switch mobile data off, then go in the AP configuration and reset them. The mobile is then tuning them automatically. After that, I switch the mobile data back to on state and the trick is done.... at least for a time. :confused_face:
Hope this could help...