Concerning the mms bug, I just updated my phone from 20.04 OTA2 to OTA3 this morning and I'm able again to send/receive mms. But until when...!?
@Lakotaubp : Thanks for showing me how to mark a topic as solved.
Concerning the mms bug, I just updated my phone from 20.04 OTA2 to OTA3 this morning and I'm able again to send/receive mms. But until when...!?
@Lakotaubp : Thanks for showing me how to mark a topic as solved.
After a few days of use, no fails anymore. It seems that clearing the cache of the messaging app helps a lot!!
Thank you Danfro for your trick!!
This topic is solved!!
Hello Danfro,
Thanks for your tricks. I deleted the cache folder from messaging app. Let's check if it helps. I'll tell you. My friend will do the same on her mobile to increase our chances of success.
Beside this bug, i've got another one concerning the messaging app: From time to time, my phone is unable to send/receive mms...!? This bug comes and goes... I tried different settings (rebooting the phone, resetting servers parameters for both internet and mms, keeping mms server but no internet, 3G only, 3G/4G, etc...) nothing is working. Any idea??
Hello everybody,
I'm currently using a OnePlus 5 since a few years, first with UBports 16.04 and recently with 20.04 but I'm getting errors with the messaging app. At the beginning, everything was fine. But after months of use, I started to receive "mixed" messages from friends. Let's call them "fails".
These fails are made with the beginning of the new message received, and with the end of an old one, from the same person...!? Sometimes fails are really funny!!
When I updated my OP5 with 20.04, the problem has gone for a few weeks but now, it comes again!!
Did someone observe the same fails?? Maybe it comes from the hardware or from some memory cache of the messaging app. Is there a way to erase it?
Note that these fails are only coming from a friend which is also using UBports on her phone. She never had such fails coming from me. They are "one way only".
Thanks for reading and for your help and advices
I finally managed to get it working. Thank you all for your help and advices.
To do so, I used usb with MTP to transfer the ssh public key file generated on my computer to my OP5. After that I used the terminal on my phone to manipule files and folders using the phablet account. Note that this account seems not present in recovery mode.
I followed the chapter 'configure your device' on that page, turned the wifi on, and enabled ssh.
Now the ssh connection is working fine. I can now use the clickable --ssh option the develop on my OP5.
Again, thank you all!!
I didn't think about MTP. Let's have a try this way...
Hello. I'm using a 16.04 version, OTA-24. Dev mode is on, udev rules ok, but nothing is shown by the 'adb devices' command in the terminal.
In recovery mode, adb is working...
Thanks for your replies.
I activated ssh on my OP5, then tried to connect to ssh through the terminal of my computer, using the command 'ssh phablet@deviceIP'. I got the answer "permision denied (publickey)".
As I said previously, I tried to follow this guide on the UBports documentation, but I can't do the 'configure your device' chapter because of lack of the home/phablet directory. That's why I got a mess with the public/private ssh keys... :zany_face:
Yes, my device is working normally. It's my daily phone.
Unless I'm wrong, clickable needs this directory, because it's looking for it when it's pushing the compiled program to the target device. The alternative is to set and use a ssh connexion with clickable, but in the UBports documentation for SSH, you have to connect to the target using the phablet id (phablet@deviceIPadress)...
I'm currently using a OP5 and would like to develop apps for UBports. To do this, I'll have to use 'clickable' the dev tool for UBports, and to connect my OP5 to my computer. There are two ways to connect to the phone through a computer: usb with ADB or wifi with SSH. In both case, it seems that I'll need to access to the /home/phablet directory of the device.
My problem is that this directory isn't present in my device when I check through adb (device in recovery mode). When I boot back in normal mode (adb isn't working on a OP5 in normal mode) and check with the UBports terminal, the /home/phablet directory is present!? Do someone knows about that mess?
Thanks for your help