Question about required Android/stock rom version
Also, I managed to find via google the latest Android 10 image from Fairphone: FP3-REL-Q-3.A.0136-.gms-7c69ec7e-user-fastbootimage.7z
So all is good now.
FP3+ is upgraded to android 11.
Halium 10 does not support android 11.
Halium 11 does not support FP3(+).
What version to try? -
@fp3plusrt You can use the latest Android 10 for this. You likely have to downgrade the mobile phone before installing ubuntu touch.
@w_m0zartUBports: Thank you, will give it a try.
@w_m0zartubports said in Question about required Android/stock rom version:
Hi @w_m0zartUBports I'm trying to find this archive to downgrade my new FP3+ before installing Ubuntu Touch. I can't find that archive anywhere, google is of no help either.
Do you still have it by any chance and could you share it, please? -
Hello Folks,
I'm another +1 to the request of @dr4Ke.
@picrard Would you please be that kind, uploading the file once again and sharing the link with us? Since I'm aswell unable to find it on the web?
And @Luksus what would you recommend as a source for the "latest Android 10"? I just don't get how to proceed from my stand. Since I tried my selfcompiled-LineageOS 17.1 as a base for porting my FP3 to Ubuntu Touch but - as you mentioned -, it is not working I must go with the FairphoneOS - which is not available on the vendors servers anymore (neither do they give the instructions or show the way to the source to compile the Android 10 ROM..)!
I am indeed lost with my ambition to try Ubuntu Touch.
Kindly asking you both to assist us here.Greetings,
3r853n -
I Ian referenced this topic on
Alas. Neither of the links to a stable FPOS Android 10 here above still refers to the needed software. As Halium 10 is advised for FP3+ and should be loaded over FPOS Android 10 this would lead to a nogo for ubuntu on FP3+.
Does anyone know:- What I would loose if I install Halium 10 or 11 over FPOS Android 11 on FP3+?
Oops! this page doesn't exist...
Hi @keneda
<You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. Redirecting... >
Maybe you need an account for the <Fairephone fileshare> portal?
Since I don't own a Fairephone, I don't need an account either, so I can't check if the OS they are looking for above is available.
Greetings Mario
@fp3plusrt said in Question about required Android/stock rom version:
What I would loose if I install Halium 10 or 11 over FPOS Android 11 on FP3+?
It just won't work.
Did you already read the info of the UBPorts installer and tried the "More..." button?
Important: you need to select "wipe userdata" when asked, if an Android OS was installed before.
Good Luck.
or just use this link from the ubports-installer: