Pixel 3a install complete but no operating system found?
@keeper Is this for installing Android or UT? If Android just try again with all the given wipe options. If UT again try the installer again with all the wipe options and bootstrap ticked and double check that it was the exact version of Android installed first it is very important. If you are at the UT stage fastboot and recovery will be there use the device buttons to get into fastboot.
Hi all, I followed the instructions and downgraded the Pixel 3a Android version 11 to the version of Android 9 given on the UBports Installer (0.7.9-beta) then followed the installers instructions as it went. The process seemed to go well right up to the point the phone rebooted to the UT recovery screen, then it looked as though it was rebooting to the operating system and showed the UT boot spinning image intermittently with the google white screen but it ended up showing 'no operating system found'. The only thing it would do was to bring up fastboot screen and that's where it got stuck. I repeated the process a couple of time but it ended up in the same stuck state.
Thankfully after many hours I have managed to flash it back to Android 11 successfully but would like it to be running on UT. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
@keeper Which version of UT are you trying to install 16.04 or 20.04. I had an issue (and others have not) installing 20.04 and in the end I had to install 16.04 stable first.
@keeper When you install android 9 you do switch on dev mode, usb debugging and do the basic set up first. Also if you need to go back to Android mentioned in the UBports Installer that is good enough.
Hi Lakotaubp, many thanks, I was trying to install 20.04 and yes I set the phone to dev mode, de-bugging and unlocked the bootloader with sdk platform-tools fastboot before activating the installer. It was a real pain getting it back to the Android original version, the phone is too good to brick so I'd like to be confident of a successful result before trying it again! I tried it three times in case I'd made a mistake but it ended up the same. I think it installed but the bootloader seemed stuck in fastboot and it couldn't see the operating system.
@keeper Mine did something similar and when it was back in bootloader it had an odd reason rather than saying due to key combination.
As I memtioned try installing 16.04 stable first just to get UT on the device. From there you can install 20.04 from System Settings. I wonder (and I am no expert) if sometimes the partions are not correct for 20.04 to install correctly where as if 16.04 is on first it knows what it is looking for so to speak. As for bricking the device I have npt on mine and I have gone back and forth to Android a few times now.
The onlt other thing I will suggest is that when you do get 20.04 (and you will) on the 3a stick with it. Do not go back to 16.04 and then back to 20.04. They are not the same and things can sort of get mixed up or they could a few versions back.Edit: We also have this group if you need more help with 20.04 on the 3a https://t.me/ubports_pixel3a
@lakotaubp Thanks for that I'll give it another go following your advice, and thanks for the link. Cheers
Hi @keeper
Please do not use usb3, the installer doesn't like that. Only use usb2, both the port on pc and cable.
Edit: I read somewhere in the forum that a usb2 hub between pc(usb3) and phone works too. -
Hi all, I'm pleased to report success! Using your advice I started from scratch and installed UT 16.04, and the process was flawless. Thanks for your help.
Updating to 20.04 is the next step, I hope that is straight forward! -
@keeper Good news. Use System Settings and the (as I can't remember) it is the bottom version of Devel in the list or the one marked 20.04.
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@lakotaubp Upgraded fom the phone settings to 20.04 and working well. Many thanks for the help.