Oneplus One Halium 9 port in the works...
I have just read this update and have to say I cannot wait to see this in the install options.
Great work on bringing this forwardIf we wait as we should will this Focal appear in Edge/Devel or a new channel?
Your work on will keep this device active for many so congratulations
I saw Helium as an option but don't want break anything....yet!
Just tried to install and on each of my machines (Windows and Ubuntu 20.04) it chucks up an adb error at the last second pushing UT to the device. If I ignore it the phone goes through the install on the device and hangs on the reboot. Error message states no room in cache?
I tried installing 16.04 stable and that failed ,so TWRP installed, wiped all partitions and reinstalled stable 16.04. That worked, so device is back up and running.
I will try again this weekend.
@MrT10001 Just tried myself. Got what you did then installed 16.04 stable again and now it will not flash 20.04 in fastboot keeps erroring. If you forget bootstrap it only intalls 16.04.
Going to try fron system settings now. -
@Lakotaubp same.
@MrT10001 There appears to be a bug for now on 20.04 involving the cache resulting in an install error.
Using system settings will download 20.04 but not install it corrctly. Will let you know when fixed.
So close but ..... -
@Lakotaubp Thanks for letting me know. There appears to be a bug with the latest UT installer as well.
@MrT10001 Problem seems to have been identified and is being worked on. Will update when I hear more.
I have just installed 20.04 on my OPO using 0.9.10 installer but with a recovery from @TheVancedGamer things should now get merged.
@Lakotaubp Good news. I will wait patiently
@MrT10001 Hi. Could you try installing focal again today? We merged some PRs to get it functioning, hopefully it should work.
@TheVancedGamer Failed again pushing to cache. Used 0.9.7 and 0.9.10 installer and it fails pushing at the last step with the adb error pushing to cache. This is on a windows machine.
Total failure on my Ubuntu machine on the same installers.Device was soft bricked. Installed TWRP and formatted data, then advanced wiped Dalvik/Cache, system, data, cache and storage three times to recover.
Cleared the cache on the installer to ensure no old stuff is left behind.
Now managed to get 16.04 stable back on and that has issues booting with OTA-25 (hangs on UBPorts Powered by splash screen until you power off from power button).
Also for me it still fails. See
Is it possible to show some version info in the recovery so we can check if the correct one is being flashed?
The log file indicates the installer uses the one from Is that the correct one?Does it work for you?
I just tried something. Don't know it is useful information.
I manually installed the recovery and boot images from
And the installer now did not show any error (disabled flashing system partitions) . But it is still not working see
@wdehoog Can you try flashing the with fastboot then run the installer without bootstrap?
@Lakotaubp That is exactly what I did.
@wdehoog Damn, I was looking at trying that next!
@MrT10001 I tried the halium-9 one. Maybe it should have been one of the other builds of so if you still want to try...
By the way the log now shows (see the pastebin): /sbin/sh: make_ext4fs: not found
@wdehoog Right I thought you had installed recovery and boot images not just recovery.
@wdehoog This is what @TheVancedGamer sent me earlier
can you try cat ~/.cache/ubports/bacon/Ubuntu\ Touch/ubuntu_command | grep device| awk '{print $2}'
This should output the name of the device tarball which has the halium 9 recovery
that tarball is also in ~/.cache/ubports/bacon/Ubuntu\ Touch/
open it in ubuntu, drag the out and flash it with fastboot
then retry without bootstrap
Must admit I don't understand it really, but it might help.
Edit: The recovery I installed with has changed to the one mentioned in the text above so no point in sending you that one.