Will the FP2 be able to run UT Focal Fossa eventually?
I see no mention of the Fairphone 2 here. Will UT Focal Fossa eventually run on it?
How long is UT Xenial supported for? 23-4-2026?
K Keneda moved this topic from Support on
If Linux Kernel's recent enough on last android build, and porter willing to port to focal, then it could get focal.Best would be to ask porter directly.
Device listed in blog are those that already are ported to focal, but that doesn't mean no other device that run xenial will get focal. Fact is that list is already outdated ^^ , for instance, OnePlus One is reaching Focal soon too.
@Opolork There are no plans to do anything about Xenial channels for now. It could be the end of the year before decisions are made.
C CiberSheep moved this topic from General on