Clipboard contents transfer into wifi login not possible?
When trying to insert clipboard contents into login of wifi...nothing happens...
Is this a bug or a wanted behaviour?
Pixel3a on focal dev channel -
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Support on
@uwahl It seems to be deliberate. The WiFi login dialog seems to have a separate private clipboard.
If you type something in and then cut it, then you can paste it back in, and it also persists between different login dialogs. But the content is not available outside of the WiFi login dialog. -
This post is deleted! -
@arubislander Doesn't seem to be intentional if you can still copy/paste. If it's intentional then I would think copy/paste is totally disabled like some fields in the web. Based on your observations, it seems like a bug that also sometimes happen in some apps, having their own clipboard.
@kugiigi one man's bug is another man's feature.
But if we all agree that it is undesirable, then an issue should be opened I guess.
It worked for me. I used (if I recall corectly) the swype up from the space bar to enter the moving cursor mode and then I press Paste - I just have to press it twice. But almost everywhere I have to press Paste twice to do it.
@uwahl I opened a ticket for this:
Since my device sometimes forgets about a wifi connection and the password has to be reentered, if it is a long and complicated wifi password copying and pasting can be very helpful.
@wgarcia I hope copy/pasting will become as comfortable as it has been with Xenial dev channel. Let's wait...
To my surprise copy/paste into wifi dialog was possible in dev channel vers, 698.
When installing the new version 599 today this feature was broken again...what a pity!
pixel3a dev. 599 -
It works for me on last devel too (P3a, FP4)
But i think sometimes Paste doesn't work for some reason. By using the keyboard paste feature, it most of the time work -
Copy/paste enabled or disabled seems to be dependent of properties/ structure of the wifi addresses:
at one wifi address I can reliably repeat copy/paste, at a second one I cannot do this at all.
What might be the difference between the two wifi addresses? Strange...Pixel3a focal dev607