Telegram issues today
Is anyone else having issues with their Telegram app?
Yesterday, the updates come through great and it was nice to see the good work that had been deployed.
However, today I seem to be getting the notifications come through all OK and the removed (if I view on another device). When I click on the notification though (on my UBPorts OnePlus One phone) I am taken to the Telegram app, but the chat window does not open. If I then navigate to the chat, the sync icon keeps appearing in the profile photo and no messages are loaded. I can only see yesterday's messages.
The same again today. Currently after the last upgrade Telegram has become unusable. The only option I have is to uninstall and then try installing it again. There is no logout facility, so install again is the only option.
Just tried this twice and when I remove the app, I reboot. However, when I go back (after an install) it takes me to my previous account with the same issues.
How can I clear down my previous Telegram settings so I can install a fresh one in the hope that it fixes the sync issue?
Hi UKPhil,
please send a bug report here:
I had another problem with the Telegram update the day before yesterday and Flohack was so kind to help me out (
I have just added the error log to a new issue. Hopefully it can be resolved soon. The error log does say socketerror "2" Host not found and Hostnotfound error in tcp socket.
@ukphil If you just want to try wether resetting the telegram settings help, you may delete the two directories .cache/com.ubuntu.telegram and .config/com.ubuntu.telegram in your home directory. (rm -rf .cache/com.ubuntu.telegram .config/com.ubuntu.telegram)
@hummlbach said in Telegram issues today:
@ukphil If you just want to try wether resetting the telegram settings help, you may delete the two directories .cache/com.ubuntu.telegram and .config/com.ubuntu.telegram in your home directory. (rm -rf .cache/com.ubuntu.telegram .config/com.ubuntu.telegram)
Thanks I have been able to delete the files you mentioned and after a new install Telegram is now working.
I wonder why this originally happened though and why the app remove did not delete these folders.
One thing that I have noticed is that the web version of Telegram has far more features than the Ubuntu one and that it looks far smoother. Is there any plans to make ours look and feel like the web one?
Update, I was using the Telegram app all OK for a few hours and now it has happened again. I look in the error log and it is the same as before; socketerror "2" Host not found and Hostnotfound error in tcp socket.
Should I stay or should I go now?
This becomes a little bit off topic now sorry: If I would update telegram and the bug would affect me too, was there a way to pin to the old version? Could I find the click package somewhere? Or would I have to build it by myself?
@hummlbach said in Telegram issues today:
Or would I have to build it by myself?
Not too sue what you are trying to say with this? Are you saying that you would like to get the package and update it yourself and that is why it may be going of topic?
I would not care, all I want is a fix and to be able to sue my Telegram app on my Touch phone.
I tried this last night on the M10 and it was a little slow, but still working all OK. So for me it just seems to be the OnePlus One that is experiencing this issue.