Workshops at Locations
I'm going to attend, looking forward to it ( :
If you are interested, I can do a small presentation/introduction to PyOtherSide and how to use it to create apps for Ubuntu phone. -
Hey guys,
awesome to see so much interest in a local event, big thank you to @twinkybot for setting this up! As promised, I will join as well. Unfortunately I have a thing Saturday evening, so I'll have to leave around 16:00.
Sunday I'll be back!
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Suddenly, I can not make it to the meeting. It's a pity, but I have to take care of other important matters. Sorry
Matthias -
It will also not be possible to me, a combination of work, transportation schedule, would make too expensive to be able to be there for a total of 24 hours (including a night).
I hope next time I can go!
Have fun! -
So up to now I count 4 people, perhaps 5. Guys really, is that all?
Einstein212? jonius? doniks? Will you be there?
Just FYI: I'm probably going to be there between 10:30 and 11:00 tomorrow due to my train
@hummlbach i'm doing school beside my normal work and today i hat school till 13.00pm.
I hope i can join the next time. -
@hummlbach Sorry guys, no I can't
Yeah, was nice. Thanks for your participation. See you next time
Let's see when we can schedule this.
A big thank you to twinkybot and valtech: you have really been a great host! Thanks also to the participants - I found it very inspiring to meet you.
You are welcome
So when do we get to listen to the interview or read the blog
Thanks to @twinkybot and Valtech GmbH for being a great host! I am working on the interview and blog post. Hopefully I can finish them this weekend...
@twinkybot the blog post is online:
The interview (in German) as already been published on 29th of March: -
Are you guys interested in another meet-up in Munich? Maybe this time as a real coding workshop, working on Apps, Unity8, Halium ports or whatever?
I would definitely be interested and also trying to organize something in Stuttgart.
Maybe there are also people in Hamburg interested in a workshop? But in my case, not before mid-May
@hummlbach Stuttgart would be nice for me, i'm interested in app development