Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?
@danfro I am most probably going to revert back to Xenial after trialling Focal on my Xperia X just because of the wireless hotspot. I know I don't use the hotspot that much but there are times when I really need it.
I am still having second thoughts, though, because Focal is just so smooth. I can keep Focal on the XX as I have acquired another capable phone with UT and Waydroid and I can just use that for wireless hotspot. The smoothness of Focal is just hard to beat.
@TakoR Is there an issue opened about the hotspot issue? Is it device specific? I just my Pixel 3a on Focal and it worked without problems.
@uxes Thank you!
@Moem Darn. Clearly you're way ahead of me on this.
Does that mean that we're all supposed to wipe data in installing Focal? Or is that being recommended specifically as a result of the issues on your device?When moving from a broken OP5 to an OP5T, I tried to import my SMS history by copying a couple SQL files, I think including history.sqlite, along with the obvious folders like Pictures, Music, and importing contacts. Since then I've been unable to open a message window from the main screen of Messaging, which lists SMS conversations. I can open an SMS conversation through Notifications if somebody sent a new text, or by opening a new SMS, then typing the name of the contact into the "To:" bar.
So I understand not wanting to wipe data.Sorry to hear of the troubles, and hope you're able to resolve them.
@wally said in Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?:
@Moem Darn. Clearly you're way ahead of me on this.
Does that mean that we're all supposed to wipe data in installing Focal? Or is that being recommended specifically as a result of the issues on your device?The latter. I would always start with the smallest possible actions first, you can always get a bigger hammer later! But if the smaller one does the trick, you're good.
Thanks for your kind words, it'll be okay. I'm just too busy to deal with it right now. Tinkering will be for after the weekend.
this really helped me after migration to focal, but i would not fiund it by myself without asking, that is not besti would love to see this in documentation,
away from telegram group since search engines does not index telegram groups and also having documentation in chat is not best practise for product -
@danfro To back up and restore my data, I use this scripts that work pretty well :
But yes, a GUI would be so useful! Maybe that script could be a basis to it?
Hello everyone.
2015-Now (Daily use) : BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu edition -> Not compatible
2016-Now (Daily use) : BQ Aquaris M10 FHD Betatester -> Not compatible
2023-Now: (Gift) Bq Aquaris E5 HD -> Not compatible
2020-Now : PinePhone Braveheart & CE UBports -> In Focal but for now there are no advantages and many disadvantages compared to my daily driver (BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu edition).
2020-Now (Family/Daily use): Vollaphone Xenial -> I don't have the possibility to make the interface bigger (UTTwekTool), I'm afraid this will continue to happen in Focal [1] and also lack of interesting new features for that person.
2022-Now (family/common use): Vollaphone 22 Focal -> Happy Focal user (Never been in Xenial). The notification LEDs are missing, but they don't work in Xenial either.[1] (Xenial solution ->
@Bolly said in Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?:
I don't have the possibility to make the interface bigger (UTTwekTool), I'm afraid this will continue to happen in Focal [1]
UTTweakTool should now work for Focal too.
Yes, there is still the microphone issue, but there is a Focal-solution too. -
Cannot upgrade to Focal as the device is not supported as much any more.
Unfortunately I decided for the shift 6mq which seems to be rather rare. -
@arubislander Apologies for the delayed reply. We've been overwhelmed by work tasks.
I mentioned it in one of my posts but haven't managed to create a thread regarding it. The issue is with the Xperia X only. I believe it's related to wireless security as I remember having the same issue after connecting to my router after using my P3a after upgrading to Focal, but then I just tweaked some settings in my router and was able to login again.
UT treats the hotspot as another wireless connection but this time, it acts as a router. I still haven't found a solution through the terminal in tweaking wireless security. Cheers.
I am happily still using a BQ E4.5 so there is no other option.
@Luksus said in Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?:
Yes, there is still the microphone issue, but there is a Focal-solution too.
Hello @Luksus , Is the solution also automatic?
@Bolly yes, I posted it in the same issue, just look at the end.
Let me put it this way;
I'm on UT ota-4 20.04.
I regret not staying with Xenial.
Whatever the paradigm of the UT community leaders,
I believe that a device in the top 10 should have a full translation for the language of its user (system and interface) and the essential functionality of the device working properly, ie for the OP5T, notifications led after missed calls, messaging, as well as full battery, and also a camera that broadcasts sound after a recording.
This seems essential to me, in order to have an efficient, practical UT that you can also brag about to your friends and family.
I would be happy if this could be taken into account for ota-5 or ota-6.
Best regards,
UT de user since 2016. -
@vince-vs said in Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?:
I believe that a device in the top 10 should have a full translation for the language of its user (system and interface) and the essential functionality of the device working properly, ie for the OP5T,
Translations are done by the community. This has got nothing to do with a "paradigm of UT community leaders". To achieve what you ask for, we would need to have translators for lots of/all languages, that jump at our call and finish all translations before a release. This will not happen and was not the case with Xenial either.
Strings are available for translation in our weblate (lomiri and ubports). Feel free to help with the languages you speak. If there are strings not available for translation, please file a bug report.notifications led after missed calls, messaging, as well as full battery,
As much as the led is nice to have, this is not a deal breaker to stop releasing a new system. With focal you get new features and improvements and security patches for Morph. I agree, I would love to have the led working all time too, but there are more pressing issues that I would like to see solved.
Again, this too is community work. We need help everywhere.and also a camera that broadcasts sound after a recording.
You can try the new kernel for the OP5/5T which includes a fix for this issue. The more users test this, the sooner it can hopefully land for all users.
Let's put things in context, shall we?
It's the whole result that doesn't suit me, even though we're on ota-4 focal.
Why is that?
Because under Xenial, I took into account what was indicated on the device page of OPT5 to buy this phone. ( my first UT phone was the BQ E5 )
The features described worked well under Xenial and the language was complete.
This is no longer the case with Focal, where of course a lot of work has been done on other features, but they still don't work fully, and, for example, the problem of the camera not reproducing sound after recording is very annoying.
I'd like to get my hands into the system from time to time, but I'm not confident enough to do so, and besides, I use this phone every day.
In fact, for me, seeing that an LED is flashing after a call or a message is more relaxing than tapping to wake up a screen to see if there's a call or a message; it's a question of preference. (It's not for the pleasure of the eyes).
One day there will probably be no more models with LED, so I'll calm down ...
Please note that you have already helped me, and based on my judgement, I saw that I could operate according to your instructions and it worked, for which I thank you.
To conclude, I'd like to say that if the OPT5 devices page says that these functions are validated, they are not.
If I'm still using UT today, it's because I admire the project, the aesthetic simplicity of the system, and the greater respect for privacy. -
I can see that you're giving a lot of yourself to solving these problems. Thank you so much! -
@vince-vs I try. Sadly I don't understand much of that low level stuff. I can test and report. That's it. But this is important. And if things work, as a tester you get new features quickly.
@vince-vs said in Focal/20.04 is out for quite a while now. You still use Xenial/16.04? I would like to know what stops you from upgrading?:
It's the whole result that doesn't suit me, even though we're on ota-4 focal.
Why is that?So far I can see three issues, that for you make focal "not suiting you":
- led not working
- sound sometimes missing in video recording
- no full translation
Regarding 1., we should really get the devices page amended, so it reflects the current not-working state. To be honest, even if the led works, on the OP5T I hardly see it. Its so tiny. So I don't rely on it on this device, although I wish it would be better. It was of much more use on my Xperia X and I did rely on it a lot there. And I do fully understand and accept that your feelings here are different.
Regarding 2, I agree, very annoying to do a recording of your daughters flute play to find out later it's without sound. :crying_face: But it is being worked on and we have workarounds. Definitely not good for sure. Not sure though we can make the devices page reflect this.
Regarding 3, I can only repeat: Xenial had OTA's without full translation. Some languages have never ever been fully translated. They never ever saw an OTA with full translation, not on Xenial, not on Focal.
It works like this: There is a code freeze, an OTA is build and released, then changes in code and updates of translations come in until the next freeze for the next OTA. And so on. So it simply depends if between two OTA's there are new strings added (by new features) and when updates for translations for them get merged into the repositories.The last Xenial OTAs where mainly bug fixes. So no new features, no new strings. No surprise to have static, but full translations. With focal we get new features. New features mean new words. Some get translated before the freeze, some only for the next OTA and some languages never get translated.
Of course there are also bugs, and I think focal did introduced maybe a few, where the ability of being translatable of a few strings got lost. That needs fixing, of course. But it has been the same with Xenial too. I myself did make some strings translatable in a few apps there. That I honestly believe can't be counted as "bad spot" of focal.
But thanks for sharing your thoughts. That's what this post is about. And if we get the devices page updated, this is an improvement.