Hi, I have made some calendars for 2022, I hope you like them.
Calendar with Spanish public holidays.
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
Happy 2022 !!!
Hi, I have made some calendars for 2022, I hope you like them.
Calendar with Spanish public holidays.
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
Happy 2022 !!!
Hello, I have made some calendars for 2023 again, I hope you like them.
Calendar with Spanish public holidays.
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
French Calendar
Happy 2023 !!!
Hello, I have made some calendars for 2024 again, I hope you like them.
Calendar with Spanish public holidays
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
French Calendar
Happy 2024 !!!
Hello, I have made some calendars for 2025 again, I hope you like them. This year there is a little novelty π€«
Calendar with Spanish public holidays
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
French Calendar
Happy 2025 !!!
Hi, this is a draft for 14 February (which can be repeated every year). I think it could be published on the blog, Telegram channel, forum, social networks...
Show your love for UBports/UT/Yumi/Lomiri.
Consider starting to contribute to UBports on a non-sporadic basis:
Surely there are more ways to show our love for UBports/UT/Yumi/Lomiri, such as adding a new way to this draft.
P.S. My language is not English, so this is not written in stone.
I use this to delete all unused images in a month.
sudo docker rmi $(docker images -a | grep "month" | awk '{print $3}')
Hello, I don't know if the foundation is interested.
The Internet Freedom Fund seeks to support projects that defend human rights, internet freedom and open societies with between $10,000 and $900,000. The call is open on a rolling basis but applications are reviewed on the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November.
Source: https://www.techtopias.com/blog/post-40/
The Open Technology Fund (OTF) is an independent non-profit organization committed to advancing global Internet freedom. OTF supports projects focused on counteracting repressive censorship and surveillance, enabling citizens worldwide to exercise their fundamental human rights online. Through the research, development, implementation, and sustainability of technologies that facilitate the free flow of information, increase at-risk usersβ digital security, and enable free expression, the OTF community is working to shape the Internet as a platform that fosters unimpeded connection and collaboration - facilitating positive social progress and reinforcing core democratic values.
Source: https://www.opentech.fund/about/
This time I have made a script to delete files from Teleports as their folders/files take up a lot of space. I always used to do it with UT Tweak Tool but the drawback is that you have to reconfigure the Telegram account.
First, use the Morph browser or Teleports to download (just click) CleanTeleports.sh from here or create a file with the following code:
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/files/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/thumbnails/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/profile_photos/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/db.sqlite
read -p "Please close the Teleports application, is it closed? y/N " answer
if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ] ; then
seconds=10; date1=$((`date +%s` + $seconds));
while [ "$date1" -gt `date +%s` ]; do
echo -ne "The files will be deleted within $(date -u --date @$(($date1 - `date +%s` )) +%s) seconds..\r";
sleep 1; echo -e "\nDeleting..."
rm -rv ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/files
rm -rv ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/thumbnails/
rm -rv ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/profile_photos/
rm -v ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/db.sqlite
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/files/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/thumbnails/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/profile_photos/
du -hd 0 ~/.local/share/teleports.ubports/teleports.ubports/database/db.sqlite
echo "Script cancelled, it is necessary to manually close the Teleports application."
Now we have to give run permissions to the CleanTeleports.sh file and run it, I assume it is in the Downloads folder. Open the terminal and run the following:
cd Downloads
chmod +x CleanTeleports.sh
It then tells us the size of the folders and the db.sqlite database.
If we want to delete these folders and the database, we will have to close Teleports if it is not already closed and tell it that we have already closed it by typing "y" and enter. If we don't want to clean up, we press anything other than "y" or "Y" or close the terminal.
I hope you find it as useful as I do, as I still use Krillin on a daily basis and he has always been the "little guy in the house", little space .
Caution: Please note that running this script will delete some Teleports files and it might take a while to start up the first time because of this as they will be created again.
In Spanish -> https://elcondonrotodegnu.wordpress.com/2024/03/31/limpiar-teleports-sin-cerrar-sesion/
@keneda said in Remnant of Dev channel update still shows after reinstalling Stable channel.:
Maybe because it's the 18th update in stable for this particular device ?
Hi, how can we know if the email has reached its recipient and has not been lost?
A quick reply template would be nice.
For example: "Received, you will receive a reply shortly".
@domubpkm said in Call for testing: Ubuntu Touch 20.04 OTA-8:
@Bolly Hello. What is your data provider ? For me, it is Bouygues. I want to be sure the problem doesn't come from this. I notice, when it switch back to stable (OTA-7), now i can't send and receive MMS too..
Hello @domubpkm , I'm sorry but the phone belongs to a relative and I can't test RC. Anyway in Spain we don't use MMS.
@kaesestulle, Don't you have to activate the developer mode? Have you done it?
hello @Vlad-Nirky, you may have to add an option for each user to add their api key like the Indicator Weather app does?
Hi, if you want Whatsapp in UT it's as easy as asking Meta to make a version for UT.
Neither Google, nor Apple make Whatsapp for Android/Iphone.
Anyway this thread is not for debate this is a call for testing.
@Andrej1299 The best test you can do is to download Telegram on the desktop and see what it asks you.
If you haven't touched anything special they will send you a code in the other Telegram or by SMS. If so you don't need any password and you won't have any problems.
P.S. Or you can download this and log in to this application. https://open-store.io/app/mywebtelegram.josele13
Hello, I have made some calendars for 2025 again, I hope you like them. This year there is a little novelty π€«
Calendar with Spanish public holidays
Spanish calendar
English calendar first monday
English calendar first sunday
French Calendar
Happy 2025 !!!
@Fish said in Camera app cannot be installed:
@AppLee I have tried changing the channels. Unfortunately, the camera app is still missing ... and cannot be installed. It almost looks like there are no more photos for me now...
I suppose that apart from changing them, you installed the downloaded image, right?
Hello @jojumaxx,
I hope you find it useful in its Alpha state.