Ubuntu Touch Q&A 135 Call For Questions
Hello @Kamikaze
We have some progress on VoLTE and I hope I would be able to share more details soon.
Can we add One Plus N100 as a supported device?
I am running OTA3.1 and would like to be able to upgrade it to OTA 4 so I can test with that version.
There are improvements to Bluetooth in OTA 4.0. Can a method be provided to bring those changes easily to test on OTA3.1 (before One Plus N100 becomes a supported device officially?)
Thanks for another Q&A. I would be interested in knowing how the relationship is between the UbPorts team and producers/vendors of supported hardware, such as Volla, FairPhone, Pine, ... How does cooperation work with them?
Hardware-related things like VoLTE or Miracast screen mirroring seems to be things where cooperation is particularly important.
@beyolf That's amazing. I am looking forward to VoLTE news
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
Hello, Yesterday evening I got an upgrade to ota-4.1. Strangely enough, I haven't been able to read anything about it yet.
What was changed in the upgrade?
Where can I find information?
I am in the stable channel and previously on 20.04 ota-4. -
@UBportsNews @Charly can someone of the maintainers please move this question to the q&a questions for tonight?! thank you!
@messayisto Done
Are there any plans to open a more transparent donation option such as Open Collective ?
Are there any plans down the road to sell devices preinstalled with Ubuntu Touch ?
Are there plans to make more of the devices compatible with Focal ?
@Moem thanks a lot!
@messayisto & @all
Again, is there any information about the current upgrade to OTA-4.1 ?
Does this only affect my volla x23?
Thanks & best regards -
@Charly Honestly I have no clue at all about this. Im not affected by such an upgrade and still on OTA 4.0. I was also confused by the random "answer" on the q&a last night and I m sorry, but I cannot help you in this at all... sorry.
@messayisto Didn't see the Q&A but could this be something to do with XFone and their own update process? The only change on our side I can think of is this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/9834/ubports-focal-branching-will-happen-on-14-february.
Edit: Ignore me missed the Volla x 23 bit -
Thank you to everyone who has tried to help. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be known about an upgrade to 4.1. I'll attach a screenshot, maybe someone will notice something.
@Charly My Volla X23 just updated from 4.0 to 4.1 too. I'malso on the stable channel and always have been.
The release details before installing just referred to it as 'Version 4' but after installing my details are now:
Thank you treebeard!So it seems to be a volla or even volla x23 upgrade.
Would be interesting to know what was fixed.
I haven't noticed any changes and I've even had the "crazy volla ghost activities" since then. Let's see what else becomes known. -
@beyolf Thanks, looking forward to it!
Sorry we couldn't answer your question.
I didn't check your signature for the device you're using. (oups, my bad)My best guess is that it is device specific yes, but I don't know how it works.
The question from XFone Labs threw me on another track because I think they provide a fork of Ubuntu Touch with some modifications and (AFAIK) they also have their own numbering...
But take my words with a grain of salt because I still don't understand how OTA are pushed to each user. :grinning_face_with_sweat:
@beyolf My question is only aimed at the latest version of Android. I think the latest version is Android 12. Of course, if you stay on the 10 version that's OK too. Ubuntu Touch works yes. I installed the OS at short notice and noticed some small progress with Focal. Thank you
I would also be delighted if you finally managed to get 4G telephony up and running on UT. Thanks again to everyone behind this project!