@arubislander Current status is connectoins via wireguard are working for me but DNS does not. I have no idea how to make it work. Trying to connect by ip address works.
@jarop As wireguard is not a 'traditional' VPN, but more of a pair-to-pair protocol, it probably requires some extra network routing rules to get everything working. Unfortunately I haven't bitten that bullet yet myself to be able to offer much help there.
@arubislander Your suggestions were very helpful. At least I can connect somehow to vpn. Thank you!
Seems impossible for me to make proton vpn work on the Volla focal (tested only on OTA-4) by installing a conf through the system parameters. Does this work for anyone? Worked well on Volla Xenial through vpn-editor.
Edit : i noticed that some TLS settings doen't seem saved and i opened https://gitlab.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/-/issues/2184
@naizena Hello. Can you confirm if proton vpn works or not with OTA-4 for you ? Thanks.
@domubpkm Yes, it works for me if I'm conected to wifi.
It doesn't work on data connection (It looks like it's connected because the connection indicator turns green and you don't get an error message, but it doesn't connect to the internet...)
But no problem on wifi connection.
Volla X. Focal 20.04 OTA-4. Protonvpn. -
@naizena Yes, i confirm vpn works with wifi on OTA-4 too for me. Thanks for that. But before OTA-4, did it work with cellular data on focal ? Because, maybe i'm mistaken but i don't see in your posts that you said that it worked only with wifi.
@domubpkm It doesn't work with cellular data since Focal update (it worked on Xenial). I thought it would be a problem with my phone company (I'm newbie)... but is not. I tested on an Android device and it works with the data connection. I posted this issue on 26 april 2023.
@arubislander I have teste both ProtonVPN and nordVPN on Xenial (don't ask) ans Focal.
- ProtonVPN (latest) doesn't work for me. I think i because of the cyphering
which is ¿not available on UT? - NordVPN
- works on Focal importing the ovpn file (quite hidden in the manual setup, but well) and adding IKE v2 username/password
- works on Xenial but you need to install VPN editor, and set Security/HMAC auth to SHA-512
- ProtonVPN (latest) doesn't work for me. I think i because of the cyphering
@CiberSheep said in VPN:
cyphering AES-256-GCM
why this ? on xenial, with proton, i used AES-256-CBC. On focal , currently, with a config in system parameters, it works with WIFI on volla, but doesn't work with cellular data (see above in comments).
openssl ciphers | grep -i 256.gcm
does reveal that there are several AES 256 GCM ciphers installed on Ubuntu Touch 20.04. But not having ever used ProtonVPN, I do not know if the right one is in the list.