proposal: lets bring full python support to UT
@Moem oh dear god where to begin .....i have a whole plethora of software that would be right at home with UT with minimal effort fully featured web browser, system tools out the wazu, artifical intelligence (way better than chatgpt can do system operations) ....a developer like me could bring features and programs almost over night and features that cannot be done easily within a clickable ...also would more linux friendly (some linux packages use python libraries so would prob make UT developers life easier) ...for starters
truth be told i moved to droidian because it does python ....but the issue with that is stability i honestly think UT is prob the most stable out of mobile linux OS's if it just would behave more linuxy .......give me python and i would be as happy as a puppy with a spilled hotdog plate
oh also if its system level python and not a clickable environment i can do things like different desktop environments i always thought that would be fun to design my own UI for a mobile device
i feel like with clickable UT is trying to emulate android in how it bundles it apps and the issue is its not popular or well known ....even myself i dabbled into the clickable and even developed a tool for it but i find it cumbersome, confusing and annoying (thats just my preference though) .....with system level python i could even make "addendums" to existing application plugging in features externally with runtime injections? .....its really kinda endless what we could do
also the existing python software base would be accessible which would introduce basically everything UT does not have (for the most part anyways) .....cross compatibility would just be a over all win for developers and normal users
and probably the most important reason of all .....i would absolutely come back to UT .....for me python is a deal maker or breaker ....and i want to switch back i really do but this is the one thing i "need"
one of the first things i want to do is make a terminal companion script that pops up a menu to run common linux commands via menu option because i find typing on a tiny keyboard to be tedious ...i dont have fat fingers quite the opposite and i still find myself "fat fingering" and deleting often ...super annoying and a problem with all linux mobile os's ....more in depth to what we already have i.e terminal commands options in the keyboard
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D developerbayman referenced this topic on
@developerbayman you may want to try ask in "Break your UT (Ubuntu Touch)" chat
@uxes i may if it does not get moved but i feel its a too serious of a proposal (at least for me anyway)
Short answer: You can already use python.
Long answer:
Many use case you're bringing up are dangerous, not allowed or even it will not be Ubuntu Touch anymore ; this for example:
@developerbayman said in proposal: lets bring full python support to UT:with system level python i could even make "addendums" to existing application plugging in features externally with runtime injections?
System tools or an AI assistant would have to be integrated to the OS, it's hard to push as a confined app.
It seems you're not asking for Python, but instead to remove apps confinement.
And that will not happen.You also want to bring a new DE, that also will not happen ; it would be too heavy to bring alonside Lomiri and would break native apps.
If Ubuntu Touch is so stable it's because Lomiri has been polished over the years ; it also thansk to confinement (in addition to the RO rootfs) which prevent many user errors.
If you can bring a full featured browser then no problem, just make it a click but it's not that simple and I don't know how python can overcome the struggle to make a GUI for Ubuntu Touch.
I understand your intentions, but when you write "lets bring full python support to UT", I read "lets replace Ubuntu Touch by something very different"
Also I don't see how you plan on doing so, or if you even thought about what it implies to move in the direction you're suggestingEdit: I don't mean to rain on your parade or try to discourage you.
I just want to understand what your suggesting.
And if I understood correctly to give you some context to figure out if it's even reasonable. -
i have browser i made (screenshots offtopic thank you post) when i wake up ill convert to mobile it can do drm content download manager video downloader and page source code viewer a desktop app it weighs 11kb while running youtube and facebook uses around 200 mb ram +- .....i must sleep now ......i have good rebuttals to all of your concerns and breaking containerization isnt the goal ......but i will come back to this when i can string my thoughts together better and explain in python is super easy and lightweight (usually)
I understand your intentions, but when you write "lets bring full python support to UT", I read "lets replace Ubuntu Touch by something very different"<
not at all actually like you said python is already there the issue in its current form is it cannot load 3rd party libs this makes it only functional in the sense it behaves as a very basic scripting agent ....for example this would allow push button service control and is in fact using a mobile lib (just does not look that way im testing on a desktop) this would be a handy thing instead of typing terminal commands on a touch screen but would require system level access ....i seek not to change UT but to enhance it this is a minor example and maybe not even a wanted feature im just trying to show what im mean
another example does UT have a disk usage application? without system level access and 3rd party lib support i cannot bring this to UT this also uses a mobile UI and could easily be tweak for small screens ....i can go on and on with these examples so surly you understand my frustration? everything from media players to office suite i have and as i stated in my previous post in off topic ....most of this software while im using in my own distro i designed it with UT in the back of my mind
.....maybe these are terrible examples? ........idk man all i know is i would like to make it a even better user experience but the current framework does not allow me to shine
and true some things can be put into a clickable ....but alot of things cannot
oh one more thing i could also do things like "recovery ninja" a background service that would detect a state change in a file system .....if something got broken it would compare to the original and automatically restore the files inform the user they broke it but it automatically fixed it .....while still allowing people to fiddle around (people do want to fiddle) .....if done properly my ideas could be used to reinforce UT's security mind approach .......but i do have to admit one super flaw in all of my pining on a xaiomi redmi note 9 pro im a little blind to the resource limitations of other devices going to endeavor to compile UT for my device ill set up a test case version using my device ....ill make changes to present to the community and if yall like it you can adopt it or not the end this would probably be the best way to go about it and please everyone (myself included)
I were already in the RND on this , also this is already possible i even run kivy inside clickable confined app .but a bit experimental .